Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Found Tumblr...

This is my journal entry from last night.

November 14, 2012 
Crap. I got a Twitter... Someone posted a Benedict Cumberbatch quote about how he wants a "pocket Martin [Freeman]" and how it/he would "make a good pet." I wanted to see if it was a real quote (it is =) ), so I looked it up. I found myself on Tumblr's #pocket!Martin page. ADORABLE. Sherlock with little pocket Martins... Then I made the mistake of clicking the #johnlock link... HUGE CRAPPIN MISTAKE. 4 hrs later, I finished the first page, emailed myself the good stuff I found, then went to bed,
The most frightening part of all this? Although I'm suffering from an extreme Johnlock overdose, I STILL SHIP IT WITH THE FEROCITY OF A... Well, of a fangirl. Which makes sense 'cause I AM one... *Ahem.* Right.
So what does the fact that I can spend 4 hrs browsing Johnlock fics and art and come out relatively unscathed? I'd like to say "I'm super resilient!" or "I'm dead serious about my OTP!" or "I'm the biggest Sherlock fan alive! [which actually isn't true, judging from all I've seen today...]", but the truth is that I'm a BBC-addicted fangirl with very little life and too much time on her hands.

So, lesson learned! As much as I've found my people, I am NOT getting a Tumblr. Unless you never want to see me again. XD

PS!! I thought that this needed saying... Martin Freeman has seen Johnlock on Tumblr, and he showed some to Benedict Cumberbatch and he approves. O_O  He also says that we fangirls draw him in a very flattering style and that he thinks that fanfiction is great. <BIG DAMN SQUEE/>

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Is This Sorcery?!?

As many of you may have noticed, I got a Twitter!
It is utterly bizarre. I think I like it, though...
It's for all the weird crap that's too short or random to put on here, so if you want more of that stuff, please visit! Thanks. =}

While you're on there, check out Steven Moffat and George Takei's twitters. They are bloody hilarious.
Oh! That reminds me. I may also need a Tumblr. I think I've found my people. =D

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank you all.

My, my.
There are so many things I want to say and so many things I want to share right now... Like how Weeping Angels scare the living tartar sauce out of me, how I made an awesome time capsule, or how angry I am about the new Sherlock Holmes adaptation.
I want to spew these things all over the internet with wild abandon, but the truth is that I have an apology to make.

To my friends and other people I know:
I am sorry that I've been such an absolute hermit lately. Just the other day, I realized that I haven't communicated with you guys in quite a while and that you must be absolutely pissed. I took pause, imagining how you must be feeling; sad, confused, angry. Maybe even betrayed. Then I thought of sending you all messages to make up for just a smidge of lost time. This seemed like a good idea, but I didn't do it. I was afraid. As you probably all know, I have a huge capacity to feel guilt. However, I appear to display a lack of empathy (I have empathy, I just hide it) and I am a master of procrastination. I'm also a coward. These traits do not mix well. The reason you haven't received word of me in a long while is this: I'm afraid of you.
Not afraid in a 'mimes are in my mattress, I just know it' kind of way, though. More like a 'oh god, I have friends now and I have to take care of myself so that I don't hurt them, but then where is my identity- oh no, I'm loosing my heart to a group of people, can I trust them with it- crap, I'm way in over my head- I think I'll just hide for a while' kind of afraid.
Basically, I'm scared of commitment. The ironic part is that I tend to get extremely attached to people.

To properly illustrate this fact, I have a rundown of the relationships in my life. You may skip this if you want. It's pretty boring.
I'm a person who grew up unable to relate to 'real' people in any deep way. My Mom's friends weren't interested in spending their time with a 4 year old and their kids were exasperating. Not that they were stupid or immature, of course. It's just that, when you're four, a two year age gap is HUGE. At one point, I had two friends who were a huge part of my life, but their parents didn't stick around. I lost them and it was at the age of 7 (3 years later) that I made a friend. Unfortunately, she had many friends and I didn't matter as much to her as she did to me. I had another friend around 6, but the connection wasn't very strong. I don't remember a whole lot about her, but she lived across the street and we would play sometimes. I remember telling her once that I would have to marry her when I grew up, because you're supposed to marry the person you're closest to, but she didn't share my opinion. She moved away when I was about 9 and I still can't remember what the feeling was like. It was probably awful. I had two friends near the age of 10, but they moved to Hawaii, leaving me with the best cat in the entire world and an obsession with Harry Potter (which was later suppressed due to someone saying that it was Witchcraft and therefore obviously connected with satanism.[I have since discovered that this is absolute bullcrap and I have the utmost respect for Wicca.]) At 9, I hung out a lot with my Dad's friend's kids when he had band practice. They were around my age and taught me things like how to hop fences, hock loogies, and generally act like a boy. They left for Austin, Texas when I was about 11. Around 12, I began harboring a rather hopeless crush on a boy. I am sorry to admit that the crush lasted until I was about 14. *Shame shame shame.*

....So, yeah. I am the queen of unrequited love, platonic and otherwise. Also, don't believe me when I say "I had no friends." I had friends. I just try my best to forget about them.
Also, this list is only of human friends. I had a multitude of imaginary, inanimate, and animal friends.

Soooo I guess that this is why it's easy for me to fall hopelessly in love with fictional characters, but can't hold a friendship with an actual human. I keep expecting them to disappear or reject me.

You know what, though?? This is all in the past. I now have 4 awesome friends who actually care about me and aren't moving anywhere anytime soon. So I worked up some courage and opened my email today. 29 unread messages, 17 of which are from people who care about me. And I've been avoiding them.
Being closed hearted isn't being strong. It isn't keeping myself happy. Yes, I feel peaceful and calm when I don't have to think about other people, but that isn't how the world works. My idiotic human heart keeps reaching out to others, and nothing will stop that. I think I understand now. You guys actually help me along and make me a better person. I admit that it's totally terrifying to be shaped my other people, but it needs to happen. I need to grow and I need to feel. And I can't do it without you guys.
So I'm going to grow up and start fighting for my friends for once.

Thank you. Thank you for everything.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homeschool Totally Rocks

No school today. It's the end of the trimester and the new classes haven't kicked in yet. With little to do, I started browsing Wikipedia. I don't really remember how I found myself on the article of the Stonewall Riots. MAN OH MAN. This was a simply amazing event in history. Why don't they teach this in school?? It displays crowd mentalities in an interesting manner and really shows just how far we have come as a society. It is partly thanks to a very violent display of free will that we are no longer arrested for speaking our minds and living openly. About two days of violence and social disarray gave way to the opening of many minds and the first gay pride march! It also gave us a lovely line of graffiti: "We are open."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Google Searches Part 1.5: 'Do Old People'

Cooper just pointed out that if you put another letter in front of "do old people," you'll get different results... Today, I will answer the internet's questions.
Note! I just want to say that I totally love old people and that this is in no way meant to be offensive. It was actually pretty random that I chose 'old people,' anyway. =)


Then what? Babies? 'Cause that's some competition.
To what, exactly?


 I dunno.
Dunno. Heard the canned stuff is pretty good, though.
Then whom?
Wait... What. O.O


A better question is.... Do you?
Emotionally? Yes. Physically? They probably no longer care about such silly things.
Of course.


Nnnno. Females go through menopause around 50-60 ish.
Not more often then young people do. In fact, probably less.
No. The gremlins stole it.
Everything smells one way or another.


Hell, I would.
Kinda. The muscle tends to break down and the padding between the vertribrae wears down, making them appear smaller and shrunken.
Usually. Especially if it looks like what I think this will look like in 15 years.


Some do.
See above answer.
More then whom? Young people? Not really. It is, however, harder to control.
I.... I have no response for this one. I don't think that I can answer seriously, but it's a bit too dark to be made into a joke.


Only if they're incontinent.
Don't we all?
Only when they want to.


Yellow phone, yellow phone, yellow phone! Wait! No, grandma it's only a song! Christmas is NOT here!! NO! AW, GOD! HELP!!
Because many of them are hard of hearing and they're tired of young people ignoring them, dammit!
.....................I was never here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray

I was standing in the kitchen today when something hit me. Oscar Wilde's works are in the public domain! That meant that I could get them for free on Kindle.... I quickly picked out 3 books of his (The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde.)
I've just begun reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. My oh my. I suspect that Oscar Wilde had a rather privileged and quite possibly incestuous relationship with Prose of the Utmost Purple. Seriously. His writing is so lovely it's almost sickening. It inundates one's mind like a slow and addictive poison, turning the reader into an extremely docile and enchanted zombie.
The most amazing thing about this book thus far is it's absolute ballsiness. In the first few pages, a character smokes opium, bishops are said to not think, and there is a mention of more then one god. Perhaps even more impressively, one of the characters (Basil) speaks of his male friend in such adoration that I wonder how Oscar Wilde was ever able to publish it in his lifetime. Here's a little quote for you...
"Harry," said Basil Hallward, looking him straight in the face, "every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion. It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself. The reason I will not exhibit this picture [of Dorian] is that I am afraid that I have shown in it the secret of my own soul."
If this quote is a bit too subtle for you, then take a look at a previous quote.
"Yes, that is his [Dorian's] name. I didn't intend to tell it to you."
"But why not?"
"Oh, I can't explain. When I like people immensely, I never tell their names to anyone. It is like surrendering a part of them."
It's no wonder the poor man was condemned for being gay. Pure love between two men? That simply wouldn't stand in their crippled society!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! I was writing book review poorly attempting to mirror the writing style of a fantastic author! Right, right.
Not only is this book quite sufficient in the balliness department, it is a treat to read. Not only is it fantastically written, it also happens to be a surprisingly easy read! I will post more about it if the mood takes me.

Until next time, by brothers! Health and godspeed.*

*What is godspeed, you may well ask? Good question! I would answer it myself, but I think that Eddie Izzard describes it succinctly enough.
[WARNING! Contains the F-Bomb! Dun dun duuuun....]
Eddie Izzard: Goodspeed

Google Searches Part 1: 'Do Old People'

I just had to take a screenshot of this.
Apparently, the internet is fascinated by the eating habits and bodily functions of the elderly.

Thought you'd all enjoy.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Bro!

Frakk, yeah.

Desmond Horatio Sewell was born on October 30. He has phenomenal hearing, a strong stomach, and he began tracking with his eyes yesterday. He totally rocks. This kid is seriously adorable. And I'm not just being bias! He is objectively supremely cute. =D