Monday, October 13, 2014

Blogging my way around writer's block

I stopped posting on here a while ago because I was afraid of offending people with my odd worldview.
Granted, sometimes I was actually being ignorant or assholish and it was wonderful that people pointed this out to me and prompted me to learn more about the world. That's great, but I became extremely hesitant to post about anything at all.
I've recently re-grown the courage to express my viewpoints and stick to my own moral values- only this time I think I have a better grasp of how to listen to people and actually judge if something will come across as offensive before I post it.
I think it's time I started writing again. That Star-Trek novel/fanfic isn't going so well and I feel like I need a place to exercise my fingers- so you can soon look forward to many rambly posts about the future of pie. You're welcome.

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