Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fuzzy and Confused

The weeks have been getting longer and my head's been feeling fuzzy.
I'm usually able to switch into a really creative mode fairly quickly, writing and downing coffee like a maniac. This past month? Not so much.
My head feels fuzzy and I've had a couple migraines, and I haven't been speaking correctly. Not like I-just-had-a-seizure speak, more like forgetting words and not putting sentences together well. It's like I've forgotten how grammar works.
I can almost pull off writing because I can go back and re-read stuff, but it still ends up being really dry.
On top of all this, I've been way more socially withdrawn now that school's back in. Now that I have to see people for a few hours twice a week, I'm not so keen on going outside.
I don't know. Maybe I'm sick. My head hurts, I can't formulate ideas properly, I'm physically and emotionally tired, and I keep saying stupid shit without thinking.
Whatever it is, it needs to go away soon so that I can get on with things.

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