Sunday, May 26, 2013

Name of the Doctor... THE FUUH??

...Ya? Ya.
Sooo.... I'm assuming that anyone reading to here has watched the season finale. I'm also assuming that you're just as astounded as I am.
I mean, what the hell. What WAS that?? I think I liked it, but it was weird. It ties up the whole Clara thing quite nicely, but there are some major plot points I don't feel were properly addressed. Like... Oh... I dunno, WHO THE HELL DOES JOHN HURT PLAY?? The doctor, obviously, but which one??
There are many theories, but I like the 9.5 on the best. ...Wait. 9? ...DAMN IT! See, I never watched Classic Who, so I had no idea that the Time War took place between 8 and 9. I assumed that it was before 1's time, and he had been carrying the baggage all this time! Good god, the Doctor is amazing at hiding his feelings! Anyhoo, what was I prattling on about? Oh yes, John Hurt.
So I'm pretty sure that John Hurt plays 9. I have some questions as to how they're going to approach this, though. There are 3 ways, as far as I can see-

  1. 1. They abandon 11 and jump backward, focusing on 9.5.
  2. They kill 11 and jump backward, focusing on 9.5.
  3. They focus on 11 and 9.5 at the same time, maybe switching every other episode, maybe through flash-backs.
  4. They keep on truckin' with 11, leaving us to wonder about 9.5 for the rest of 11's reign.
I'm guessing they'll go with #3.

My biggest headache with all this?
This is a very big problem for me. If John Hurt really is the 9th Doctor, then 9 is actually 10, and 10 is actually 11, and 11 is actually 12, WHICH MEANS THAT THE DREADED 13 IS COMING UP NEXT. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, Time Lords are only allowed to regenerate 12 times, giving them a total of 13 bodies. Sometimes they were granted extra lives, but it wasn't often. We have no idea how many regenerations the Doctor is allowed, so we're expecting his escape from the Rule of Thirteen to be pretty gnarly. And, if this whole "John Hurt As the Real 9th Doctor" hypothesis to be true, we have way less time then we had previously thought.
....Also, I have a borderline-CDO* thing about getting names right. IF I'VE HAD THE NUMBER OF DAVID TENNANT'S DOCTOR ALL WRONG THIS WHOLE TIME, I'M NOT SURE WHAT I'LL DO. ...Probably just map out a vacuuming plan for my room, but still.

...ALSO, DO WE GET MORE RIVER SONG??? 'Cause we need more River Song.

I mean, ^^DAMN.^^           

*OCD in alphabetical order

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Aptly Named: Opulence!

What's this? Another stick-figure comic?? <sarcasm>Greeaaat.</sarcasm>
Open in a new tab to read. =)

Friday, May 17, 2013


On May 17, 1990, homosexuality was removed from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Original Ideas

I want to talk about Original Ideas. Where do they come from? Who has them? Can they be owned? Are they even real?
These questions have plagued creators for as long as we can remember. We stay up at night, alone with anxiety and self-doubt. Is my creation original?
It doesn't matter what you've created- a painting, a song, a book, a building, a child- we all have this fear.

Let me illustrate this for you...
A song pops into your head. It has a great melody and you feel that it's fresh. You feel that it's right there, hovering above you, waiting for you to acknowledge it. You can see the lyrics starting to brim out of it, feel the syllables winding around every note.
Then you get that weird sensation. It starts as a tickling against your mind. A little whisper of doubt. "Did I make this?" You think. "Is it mine? If not, then who's is it? Would they be okay letting me have it?" As you think these things, the idea hovering above you starts to fade. The inspiration wanes and it leaves you alone.You wonder if it had a home. You wonder if it's happy, if you were right to let it go.
We all get that. We all hesitate to put our pens to paper, because we're all afraid that it's been done before. Has it been?

There is always a time in your life where you realize that eventually there won't be any new songs. Sure, they might have tiny variations, but they'll have the same idea behind it. It's a depressing thought. This has been bothering me for years. Is there actually a limit to how many original ideas we can generate?

Then it hit me: we've been incorrectly defining 'original' all this time.
In a technical sense, no. We can't run out of completely unique pieces of music because songs can be of infinite length. For example, picture Beethoven's fifth symphony. Hear the jarring beginning in your mind. You know it- the part that goes "Dun dun dun DUUUN" and makes you want to throw your cat out the window. Ya got it? Okay. Now add a "blip" sound right in the middle. The kind goombas make when you squish 'em. So now it's "Dun dun dun -blip!-"
So if you were to play this for someone and asked them what it was, they'd say "Uhm, Beethoven. But what the frakk was that thing in the middle...?"
The point is, they'd recognize it. They'd know what it is, but it wouldn't be Beethoven's fifth. Technically, it would be something completely different. All because of that slight variation.
Logic states that, since songs could be infinitely long, there are infinite places in which one can mix and interchange variables. Technically, we will never run out of original songs.

The problem is, we still aren't defining 'original' correctly.

When most of us think of original songs, we think of copyright. There are published works of art, and if you publish something too close to them, you'll end up with lawsuits against you. The word you need to look at from this sentence is 'close.' What is close? According to our assumptions about technical originality, close doesn't matter. Any variation makes it a new creation. It's way more complicated with copyright. There really isn't a fixed rule stating how 'close' your work has to be to someone else's for you to be in trouble- in fact, many people have gotten away with near-plagiarism for many years. Most of the time, it's all a matter of how much they can sue you for. Now, I'm not saying that copyright is necessarily a bad thing! It has protected many creators from having their ideas stolen.
...Then again, what counts as stealing? These are ideas we're talking about here. It's hard to pin labels on something so magical to us. The ancient Greeks had goddesses of art and inspiration (muses). They viewed creation as a mystical thing- something of the gods, but just within our reach. Very little has changed since then. We speak of Writer's Block with shudders and capital letters. We're afraid. Afraid that this gift given to us by higher beings themselves might be taken away from us.
Ironically, it is this very fear that keeps us from creating.

So we still haven't found the true definition of 'original.' The technical perspective is a bit to dry and the copyright perspective changes with the cash flow. You know what that means? We're gonna have to get... <sunglasses>ABSTRACT.</sunglasses>
Really, how else could we approach an idea? Ideas aren't born in vacuums or bank accounts. They're born in complicated lifeforms as we battle with our own vices and existential angst. They lack substance, yet look around you! Look at your walls. Your clothing. Your light. Hell, look at your goddamn computer.We live in a world made up of these strange insoluble things, yet we know very little about them!
If you're like me, you worry every day that you're doing it wrong. Intelligent lifeforms create new things. We build and make and break and deconstruct and rebuild and make things better. It's in our very nature! But what is the point of a lifeform that regurgitates ideas? A being that has no way to create new things? These are the things that keep me up at night (along with ninjas). What if everything I'm doing is crap? What if it's all been done before? Maybe I'm just kidding myself, pretending to be an artist. One day, someone will walk up to me and let me in on their little secret- they've been lying the whole time. It was all a big practical joke and no one likes your things, not even your mother or your dog, and they were kidding and it all got out of hand! You're not really an artist. You don't have any real talent. You have no originality.
I know you know what I'm talking about. We all go through this. The only way to battle this is to find the truth- wait, no. To find your truth. Because that's all that really matters in the end, isn't it?
I found my truth today. It came in a flash and sounded like a thunderclap. I saw pictures and ideas floating across my vision as if I were underwater, yet I felt like I was suspended in the air. It came so fast and left such an imprint, I don't think I'll forget it any time soon.
So here it is.

Originality is a construct. It is an illusion. Everything in the world is original to us because the way that we see it is unique.
What would Beethoven's fifth symphony be if there was no one to listen to it? To feel and draw conclusions from it? What would it be if it weren't for Beethoven himself, scribbling notes furiously, pounding out the melodies with such ferocity that his useless ears cried out in terror from the pounding in his head?
It would be nothing.
Nothing at all.
It doesn't matter if your work is similar to things before it. It isn't a race. It isn't a popularity contest. It's a story. It's a story about people. It shows how we relate to one another, it shows how we can connect. When you heard Mr. King's speech for the first time, it struck a chord. It didn't matter if you've heard people say the same things before. It didn't matter if it was pieced together from old sayings and bible quotes. It was the fact that it was pieced together for you, and it touched your heart. In that moment, you felt what it was like to be understood because you understood him. You got where he was coming from, you felt his pain, his loneliness, his determination, no matter your race. In that moment, you knew that there was another being on this earth who shared something with you- an idea. A feeling. And you knew that you weren't alone.
It's this connection that keeps us going. Creating. Sharing. It's something we can all feel, whether it's through a painting, a poem, a song, or a letter. We hear the song and we beat it out with our own souls, joining in, adding upon, spreading on.
Because that's what we do.
So who cares if it isn't 'original'? If it reaches just one person, if just for a split second, they know that you stand with them in this world of constant turmoil, if it comforts them, then you've done your job.
Don't be afraid to create. It's what keeps us together.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Too Many Stories!

As I'm sure that you can tell from my half-started blogs and story arcs, I have a hard time following through with things.
In fact, I have quite a lot of stories that I've started over the years. And I mean a lot.

Just this year I have started 10 projects.

Working Title
Cellblock 42
About prison
Didn’t know enough about prisons
Barely started
About the bible
Worried about what people will think of it
Author Avatar Star Trek Fanfic
In progress.
A long Star Trek fanfic with all original characters. Plot is laid out, a few chapters are down, and there are TONS of snippets.

Twitter and blogspot Webseries
A secret series of blog and twitter posts about Doctor Who.*
Really difficult. In real time
Almost forgotten
A nonfiction book about muses and writer’s block.
Writer’s block. (Hypocrite much??)
Sherlock-Misery Crossover Fanfic
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Lost interest. Long and painful. Couldn't find all my notes
Forgetting Blackbirds
Webcomic about a post-apocalyptic world. Clockpunk, alternate energy, sorcery, politics, romance, sword and sorcery, dragons, gods, gypsies, bandits, saving the world... It just goes on and on
Worried over everything. Reinvented characters multiple times. Made blueprints of robot caravan, including the engine. Planned WAY too much and burned myself out
Alan Turing Leads the Machines
Barely started
Alan Turing is transported to the future after he commits suicide. Has to fight for AI rights in a strange and technologic-oriented world.
Didn't want to go too crazy because of what happened with Forgetting Blackbirds
Barely started
Superhero webcomic with my sister.
Still going at a snail’s pace
James P. Finch and the Forgotten Labyrinth
On again, off again
An elaborate game/story that takes place in a huge labyrinth.
Writer’s block

*It’s a secret, but I will give you a hint if you really want to find it- 23rd female steampunkish Doctor.

I am the biggest procrastinator in the entire world! I just keep coming up with more stuff that I write down, then elaborate upon, then pursue, then fall into, then get burned out on. It's a bit like Monomania. My Dad's side of the family has it. We get into weird projects, work on them for months, then get bored.
So... Why did I post this?? Because it's something that I'm dealing with. I'm admitting it to myself and to the world and I'm making a conscious decision to change it. I'm still going to write this stuff down, but I'm going to be more careful about what I drop to write it. I have to be faithful and choose my current stories over any shiny new ones that come my way.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Venn Diagrams and Career Options

[WARNING! Ranting ahead! Plans for future and other "fun" stuff!]

I feel like I'm in a bit of a bind right now.
...Which is stupid, because I'm very privileged and I have tons of options.
Nevertheless, I've been having a weird time. Can I just rant? Yes? Cool.
Okay. Here's some of what's going on.

I passed the CHSPE. I got full marks on everything but the math- I only met the minimum requirement. =(
I was pretty miffed about that- I've been doing lots of math and I started to love it. I guess most love is unrequited, though huh?
Anyway, I passed the test, which means that I have the equivalent of a high school diploma!
So here's my problem.


I was going to take college, but now that I'm to this point, I'm not sure it's such a good idea. I wanted to take a sociology course. Not because I want to be a sociologist, no no. It's because I want to learn things. But then I realized... I'd also have to take the prerequisite courses. And I can't afford that. Sure, I can get some help from my parents, but that would be cheating. And college is an investment. You can't just drop tons of dough on classes then not do anything with it! You have to make money from it later on. On top of this I'd be working my ass off studying, trying to pay for studying, trying to keep in contact with my friends (which is hard enough already), and trying to be happy on top of this! Being happy is a struggle. One that I am not winning at the moment.
So I'm not so sure about college.
...But I need written permission from both of my parents to not go to school.
Mom wants me to pursue a career and thinks that I should take some college. Dad is a bit more confusing. He wants me to learn PHP and come to work for him, and he says that college is mostly a waste of time. He has told me this on many occasions. At the same time he recently told me that I have to go to school. I have no idea if he means college or high school. (Besides, he's the one who decided that we had to home school.) Holly suggested Nordhoff. I'm sorry, but why would I go to Nordhoff if I don't have to?? Besides the opportunity to create a Rebel Alliance of Nerds and Other Repressed Peoples and punch out jerks, of course.

So I have some choices- not all of them are mutually exclusive. The problem is how they all fit together.

Okay. I just made some Venn diagrams. I feel a lot better now.

Looking at this, I think I'm gonna go with Scenario 2. I'm not sure if I should choose A or B, though. Either way, I'm going to have to get permission from Mom and Dad (and, by extension, Holly).
I think I'll sleep on it.