Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DUUUDE!! eeepic blog!! =D

Okay. Dude. I. Found. A downright epic blog. One of the posts moved me to draw something! Here tiz! =D
........Yes. Weird. I know. BUT!!! It. will. make sense. IF! You check out his blog. =D

PS! Jason, I wish to apologize in advance for using you're image. (........even though I have no clue of what you look like, save for your profile pic. ><) No offense is meant. If offence is taken, I just want you to know that
1. I just really like your blog and your graphic novel.
2. This will give you extra publicity (assuming, of course, that people actually LOOK at this thing.....)
3. If you try to unleash a horde of T-Rexes upon me, (by use of time travel) I am trained in the art of Necromancy, AND I am armed to the teeth.
Oh, yeah. AND I'm in the process of creating a life size, titanium, robotic maker worm. =D

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