Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Rather Small and Silly Update

I've been a bit out of sorts since the 10th Doctor died. I know that this will sound crazy, but I've been mourning by carrying around a replica sonic screwdriver to most places and wearing a light brown longcoat.
...I've even considered cutting my hair like his. (I've decided not to because it would use too much gel.)
If this is what it likes when a character dies, I can't imagine what it would be like to have one of my friends die...
Friends, please do your best to not die. It would be awful for all of us to lose you AND have me go completely batshit. Seriously, I even annoy MYSELF.

On the more awesome side, I've worked a total of two shifts at the library so far. And MAN. It is hard work, but it ROCKS. I'm being PAID to carry and sort books ALL DAY. Love! <3

....Anyway, I'm not really sure why I posted this. Maybe to show that I'm still here? I dunno. I think I'm gonna email one of my friends. I've gotta see if I've been annoying them or something and that why they haven't sent me anything.

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You rock socks.