Friday, September 23, 2011

Speaking of new loves..... part 1

I have also taken to fighting with claws!! =D
I have a habit of jumping from trees with the intent to kill passerb- ahem. URUK-HAI. Yes. That's it...... 7_9
Anyhoo, I jump out of trees with the will to kill (although not the license.... I'm still working on that.) evil monsters and protect my ancestor's sacred grounds! =D (just another day in the life for Rahel....... XD) I have recently realized that I can slash open my foe (or at least cause some scarring) with my fingernails!! =D

And it doesn't stop at launching at Uruk-Hai from the treetops! No. I have recently taken up walking slowly down the hallways, cackling like a maniac, and running my claws all the way down the walls.......... }=}
Oh yeah..... I have also taken up collecting knifes, handsaws, etc. and holding them between my fingers to create Wolverene/Edward Scissorhands claws!!!!! }=D
.......... AND cackling like a maniac...... 7_7

Mom says that she'll get me some plastic Freddy Kruegar claws when we go to the Halloween store!!!! =^^=

.......... I blame myself for my overly exited mind, but I still attribute my claw-slashing-instincts to my reading too much InuYasha! XD

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