Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some Freaky, Awesome, Awful Poetry

This is what happens to me in windstorms....

I think too much honey.
I'm pretty sure my mind is blown.
My brain feels kinda runny
Especially when I'm all alone.

In the darkness I do tinker
With springs and levers and spidery, ghostly things.
In the darkness I'm a thinker.
A Daedalus with clockwork wings.

Please don't think me a sham,
A spinner of inventions wild and untrue.
If you just looked behind as you ran,
I'm sure you would catch a glimpse of the real you.
Lurking in the darkness
Beneath your bathroom sink
There lives something cold, blind, and heartless-
Just dying for a drink.

If you were to give him your eyes my dear, then he would surely see.
If you were to give him your blood my dear, then he would surely be.
With a rasp then a breath, He'd be up and abreast.
But give him your heart dear; Your birth and your name.
Give him your life and you'll never be the same.
My bouts of passing inspiration
Never quite give me their name.
They flicker and wink, a vague illustration;
Like deadlights or a flame.

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