Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey all! As you may have noticed, I have been doing more school lately! I have become inspired to work on it more often (researching Japan and North Korea will do that) and think I love it. Unfortunately, most of my posts nowadays are more centered on funny short reports and teenage angst. Yay. Just please know that it may be a good thing that nothing crazy is happening at the moment that needs to be recounted in this blog. Apart from the rat colonies living here, we haven't had anything crazy going on with the house, we're more or less financially stable, and we're pretty happy.

................... THE SILENCE IS KILLING ME.
I kind of need some kind of creative outlet right now and I'm saving the good writing stuff for school. Oh well. Something awesome will happen soon. I'll also make another Rat's Weekly post pretty soon here! In the meantime, you must be appeased with funny short reports.
Like this one....

"21. Have you ever thought about the way hair has grown to become a personal expression of the wearer? Write about hair. Write one paragraph in which you compare your own hair to that of someone else you know from history, from the news, or from your life. What do the differences tell you? Do you think your hair is typical for someone of your age and lifestyle? Do you care? How many times have you thought about your hair?

'I have thought about a person's hair as artistic expression. In our society, hair is one of the many things we relate to a person, so one must be careful how one presents it.

My hair is short and unruly. It frizzes out in odd places, and goes into waves in any long parts. It's also thin, so I can't really pull off a fro. This, mixed with my tendency to wear hoods and my strange behavioral patterns, must give people the first impression of a muppet when they meet me.
Contrast this with my sister's hair. Her hair is slightly thicker and, while wavy, doesn't frizz out in odd directions. She also brushes and dries it regularly. I think that these differences tell more about me then my hair's genetic traits. I can't be bothered to dry my hair properly, I hide in my hood when I'm nervous or when the Sun is too bright, I keep it short because it increases my peripheral vision and because it won't get caught in trees, and I can pull of the 'road-kid' look. I'm not sure if this is typical in people my age and gender, and I don't really care, just as long as it works for me. I am usually not in the habit of thinking of my hair too often.'

Weird question, no? Strangely enough, I have just gained some insight as to how others view me... O.o

PS!! I have found when I type start to type 's' into the 'labels' box, I come up with this drop-down list.

sick humor

I can actually feel my awesomeness increasing... XD
I should see if I can get a word cloud on here...

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