Friday, July 27, 2012


Heeey! It's been a while since I've written a title in all caps and with excessive exclamation marks! And the 1 was a nice touch. XD

I have been a little sad lately. It's a summer thing, I think. I need to see my friends more often. I will make a bigger effort from now on.
I've also been watching Nabari No Ou. This is an excellent anime (you can find it on Netflix), but it is SO ANGSTY. SERIOUSLY. The main character just admitted that he loved his (injured, bleeding and passed out) friend (who just so happens to be even more angsty then the main), but that he won't tell him (his friend) because it would "make him even more confused."
The stupid UST and existential angst is suffocating.

Luckily for me, I found Hank Green's song about anglerfish! =D
Who knew that all I needed was a little advice from a Hanklerfish???
Hanklerfiiiish. Hanklerfiiiiiiiish. Hanklerfish!!

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