Monday, July 30, 2012

Violence, Rainbows, and Obsidian

Interesting things have been happening this week.
First off, I just rounded out my Yugioh deck! It now contains exactly 60 well-chosen cards. W00T!!
.....Yes, I trade and play yugioh. Why? Because it's the only game that I can play with a certain friend of mine that doesn't involve beating each other with sticks, nerf swords, or our fists. Yes, we actually do that. It's fun, but painful. Which reminds me! The other day this friend and I were talking about drawing styles and he complimented my art (which is a very high honor, seeing as he's insanely good at drawing). I thanked him and complemented his artwork and we lapsed into a happy silence. Then he hit me in the face. I pushed him off the edge of the couch in retaliation.
"You know what I've noticed?" I said, after we stopped hitting each other.
"What?" He asked.
"Whenever we agree upon something or start being nice, we have to hit each other."
He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He said, before I whacked him over the head.

....Bonding through violence and insults for the win!! =D

The best part of today was getting to walk through town with Cooper. We talked about many things, including Good Omens, Comicon, Weird Al, the new book he got: "A Geek's Guide to World Domination". Unfortunately, the writers of said book failed epically(how do I spell this???) in the LOTR department.
"[Gimli's] friendship with Legolas helped reestablish the bond between the Dwarves and Elves of Middle-Earth. In addition to his inclusion  in the Fellowship, Gimli traveled with Bilbo in The Hobbit." - A Geek's Guide to World Domination, page 136
Words cannot describe just how angry this makes me. I started to go into a nerd-rage after Cooper angrily read out the page.
What the frakk, people?? 'Cmon. You have the word 'Geek' on the flippin cover, and yet you can't get an obvious LOTR fact?? Does the title 'Gimli, son of Glóin' mean anything to these people???
Gah. Anyhoo.
Besides this aggravating Tolkien fail, today was pretty awesome. To top it off, Cooper gave me some obsidian! Never have I thought that I'd hear the words "I have a bag of obsidian for you!" in this lifetime.
Thanks for being patient with my nerd-raging and multiple trains of thought, Cooper! =^^=

....Incidentally, if any of you find little pieces of thoughts (usually rainbow and marked with things like 'Doctor Who', 'Discworld', and 'Spirk') lying around the park, or maybe up a tree, could you please return them to me? Just deliver them to the Moon. Preferably the Dark Side. I hate trying to walk all the way over to the post office. It's too bright and the cows look at me funny. =P

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