Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Own Little Freudian Trio!

(In case you don't know what a Freudian Trio is, TvTropes explains it beautifully.)

I was bored the other night, so I took to writing in my journal. I have discovered that if I am given some characters that I can really visualize and a setting, I can watch them run around and interact in my head. Then I just write what I see. The cool thing about this is that they sometimes don't do things I expect! Anyway, Some weird stuff came out that night.
"On the awesome side, I have unexpectedly introduced some of my facets! Meet Notetaker, Optimist, and Cynic (or Pessimist)! 'Cmon out. Don't be shy....
[Hi there!] {Hello! =) } [Yo.]
These guys also double as my Freudian Trio!
Notetaker = Ego
Cynic       = Superego
Optimist   = ID
[Ooo, Tropes!] {Nice!} <Freud was a bastard with no style. Oh, and I'm changing my square brackets to chevrons.> [But not people will mistake you for a lonely, single, HTML tag!] <SO? they can go f-> {Cyn! =( } <fine. they can jump off a cliff. happy now?> {Much better. -^.^-} <good. by the way, capitalization is bullcrap. from now on, i'll only use it when it suits me. same for punctuation> [Now that we're changing stuff, can I use aLPHaBeT 26? See? THe QUICK BROWn FOX JUmPS OVeR THe LaZY DOG.] <you look like a {Oh noez! D= }ing idiot> Woah, there! Calm down. Cyn, don't be so rude (thanks by the way, Optimist.) Notes, I wouldn't use aLPHaBeT 26. It makes you seem a bit moody... <or like a {Cyn! T.T }> Shut it, Cyn. <fine>
...Should I mention that it is 12:45 and that I've been going to bed a bit earlier? [BTW! Cyn reminds me of Blackhat from <a href="http://www.xkcd.com">xkcd!</a> See? I told you ya look like an HTML tag.] <THIS ANY BETTER, {Oh my goodness!}?!> [Yeah, a bit actually. BTW, you could've used an interrobang! =D ] {"‽" =^.^=} <interrobangs are for lazy-ass losers.> HEY! 'CMON NOW. <sorry. "for classy people"> {Could you have at least tried to apologize?} <nope> {You are hopeless.} <hah! i stumped you. thought the day would never come.>
...This is weird. [.....Interrobang!!!]<--[What.<--[circles‽]<--[ =D ]"
Thus ended entry August 5, 2012.
Now it's difficult to not write them everywhere I go. --_--

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