Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Minionship Just Got Complicated

The minion hierarchy at my school has become even more complicated.
It started with Cooper and me being Caden's minions. Then I got my own minion (little n).
Every time I go to school, I walk down the stairs and join Caden and weird J. Caden and I exchange pre-10:00 AM (AKA: Utterly insane) news and lapse into a silence where we just nod at each other. Then weird J shows us his new apps or crazy expression. Sometimes Cooper joins us. Then we file to class.
I kind of like having someone waiting for me at school. It feels comfortable and familiar.
I don't want to leave this year.

Anyhoo, 2 weeks or so ago, I walked down the stairs to be confronted by Caden beaming excitedly. "Rahel!!" He said, beckoning me to him. "I got a minion!!"
"Congratulations!" I said. "Who is it?"
He turned and pointed to little n behind him. She gave me a little wave.
I was crushed. She was my minion! Did this mean that she was leaving me?
"Whaaat?" I said jokingly. "How could you??"
She just shook her head and, extending two fingers at us, pointed and nodded at both of us. "She's both of our minions!!" Caden said happily.
I got it and nodded. That sounded perfectly fine to me. I could share. We went to class with peaceful minds.
Throughout the stop motion class, Caden and I discussed our joint minion-leadership. He decided that we needed cool names describing each person's relationship. "So to each other, we're... 'Other... Minion... Leader.. Person...' We need a good name." He said thoughtfully.
At break Caden and I were hanging out with the other students. Little n came up and snuggled into me, hiding from the cold. She looked up at me for a moment and said "Mommy." It was the cutest thing ever. Until she looked at Caden and said "Daddy." He and I looked at each other for a moment and screamed "NO!!!!" in unison.
She paused. "Mommy, brother?" She tried. We considered then shook our heads. It didn't quite work.
She thought some more. "Daddy, sister?" That didn't quite work either. She finally settled on "brother, sister" and we were all happy.

Just today however, I was informed that another of our classmates--scary M (the one I hugged today)--Joined in on our minion-leadership with little n. I found this quite interesting, so I drew up a chart when I got home. Here it is:
PS! Now that I think of it, I'm more of Cooper's partner-in-crime then minion. Huh. >_9

PPS! I am using the first initials and attributes of the people here instead of their names, as I actually don't have permission to disclose their identity. Yet. >=D

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