Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ass-Burgers, Tee-Hee!

Hey, all! My Mom's cousin Sabra just came from Israel is staying with us! W00T!!!
And I may have Asperger's syndrome.
Okay. So. Sabra's husband has Asperger's, and she's learning how to interact with people who have it. We were  talking in the car and she began to ask me questions. "So, do you not like hugs?" "Do you feel comfortable making eye contact?" "Do you still hate your picture being taken?" I answered her questions, thinking "How does she know all this? I haven't seen her in years... Maybe she remembered?" Then she said "Yeah, Amit [Her husband. I hope I spelled it correctly...] doesn't like his picture taken either. Especially pictures of his eyes." Then it hit me. She was using me to reference her husband's.... Wait a minuet. "Holy crud! Do I have Asperger's? That might explain some stuff..." I thought.
When I got back, I looked up the symptoms on several sites. Here's a pretty straightforward site (that doesn't have pictures of open sores and dying people littering the page.)!
So... Um... Yeah.
I thought that I just picked up on many of my Dad's habits, but this might be partly why I'm the way I am. It's so weird... All of these little things that I thought were unrelated (staring around at other people while speaking, not knowing if I'm boring someone, good linguistic skills at an early age.....) are all lined up and labeled under the same name.
"...Wow. This is weird." I thought. I ran up to my Mom and told her "Mom! I think I may have Asperger's."
"Yeeah. I know." She said, in a 'well, duh!' tone of voice.
"Wait." I said. "You know that I have Asperger's, or you know that I think I have Aspergers?"
"Rahel." She said and looked at me. "I thought you had Asperger's a long time ago."
This was news to me. "Wait.... What?" I asked.
"Yeah. I told your Dad, but he totally dismissed it." She said matter-of-factly.
"Oh." I managed.

Ahem. So. Asperger's syndrome? Kinda? Maybe? Makes sense, I guess... I'm gonna have to get my hands on an actual test. THIS MUST BE PROVED!!!! O__O

PS!! My Mom knows when I'm blogging by listening to my typing. She says that I have a "Frantic beat unlike [my] usual typing." O.0

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