Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chapter 1&2 of my Misery-Sherlock Crossover Fanfic!

Hey all! =D
Holly read the fanfic I posted yesterday, and she liked it!!
This is amazing to me, as I thought that it wouldn't be taken very well... Many people are against fanfiction. (because it isn't cannon. I have a few things to say about that, but I'll leave it for another post.) Some of those who are okay with it don't like crossovers. And some of those people don't like Johnlock. So my target audience is very small... And the internet is a ruthless place.
You know what, though? Holly liked it. I like it. This is my blog. So I'm gonna post all the Sherlock-Misery crossover fanfics I want. WHENEVER I want.

So here is chapter 1 and part of chapter 2 of my fanfic. I invite you to leave any and all comments you may have about this. Seriously. I kinda need some criticism. (For example, your comment could be anything ranging from "Too much repetition" to "Dear god, why would you ever post anything like this? This is absolute crap." As I said, I'm open to anything.)
BTW!! I found my old mac! It's an iBook, version 9.1. I call him 'DinoBot.' To my utmost surprise, it accepts and recognizes flash drives! So now I can write wherever I want!! ..Well, wherever the cord can reach. No internet connection to mess with at least. XD

Chapter 1 
Jawn. Canyooheer me? Jawwn. 
These sounds: even in the haze.

Chapter 2 
Sometimes these sounds faded, leaving him alone in his own haze. He remembered the darkness pressing in upon him like a suffocating cushion. Almost tangible. Horribly real. 
Did the haze indicate that he was making some sort of progress? "Away from what?" He wondered. He assumed (in a deep, vague, instinctual way) that this light -however hazy- was a good thing. He wondered at these sounds every time they came through the haze. "Like worms on a rainy day." He thought. He wasn't sure what that meant, but it sounded appropriate. Did these sounds -so worm like in their appearance and yet so welcoming in their meanings- exist in the darkness as well as the haze of light? They didn't seem to stem from it, at least. 
Anyway, these sounds served as a strange distraction from the pain. This pain hid from these sounds, fleeing it as a beast would from flame. He welcomed the sounds- they were the things that drove off the beast that lurked within the haze and that came to feed off him (aside from the darkness, of course). However, he didn't feel so at home with the darkness. As said before, it was smothering. 
However, the sounds didn't always last. They always moved away from him, leaving him all alone- left to either face the pain-beast himself or drop back into the darkness. Even in the haze, he didn't know who or where he was and didn't really care to know the answer to either question. He vaguely wished that he was dead. If this was life, he'd rather take his chance with death, thanks. 
As time passed (if it actually did such a thing), he realized that there were spaces within the haze where the pain-beast did not reach. These spaces came at regular intervals that he welcomed with the remains of his being. 
For the first time since truly escaping from the crushing darkness, he had a thought that was separate from his current predicament. This first free thought was of a cane, metal and telescopic. He remembered this instrument, remembered the pain (so different from the pain-beast that hunted him in the haze) that had come with it. The term psychosomatic came to mind. He also remembered that the cane, along with the old pain, tended to come and go in a tide-like fashion. When it wasn't present, neither was his old pain. Or maybe it was the other way around. Maybe the cane followed the pain (which, in comparison to the pain-beast hounded him now now, was a walk in the park) like an annoying and obedient small dog. He soon associated this memory of the cane with his current pain.

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