Saturday, September 8, 2012


<blatant lies>As much as I hate to make gripey posts,</blatant lies> I think I have to now.
... Okay, maybe not killing, but it sure could equip a cause of death. (Like, oh say, death by serial killer.)

I can't run.

I mean, I CAN if I really put my mind to it... But it's not very smooth, it hurts, and if I misstep I fall. All that I could think of last night while closing the gate was "Oh god, I'm sure that there are velociraptors out here."

Why does my back hurt? I think that it was acting up a bit before, and then I made the mistake of carrying some kids. I was being careful, but then one decided to jump on my back. Twice.
Now I have a pain in my lower right back right above the pelvis that makes it's protests by dropping me to the floor whenever I take a careless left step.

I've tried stretching, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing it should go away soon. (If it isn't an alignment problem, then it probably just needs time) In the meantime, please don't jump on me. XDD

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