Sunday, September 23, 2012

Daedalus Has the Feathers- But Does He Have the Breeze?

Okay, listen up. This is some important shit.
My Mom has been a waitress for many years. Although it paid well, she got hurt a lot and she always wanted to open a shop and sell vintage stuff. It was her dream. In August, we started building a site together. Two days later, the restaurant she worked at closed and she was left without a job. Now the site is finished. We get decent views, but no one has bought anything.

You guys are awesome! Seriously. You totally rock. So d'you think you could use some of your magic clicky-powers to check out the site and send the link to your friends? Or your co-workers? Or a telemarketer? Or that ninja that won't leave you alone (you know the one)? Just send it to whomever! Or heck, I can give you some business cards for you to leave in strategic places!
We would really appreciate it. We're trying to make this fly and we NEED more people viewing it.

Thank you for all your support!

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You rock socks.