Friday, March 9, 2012

Astrology from a Practical Point of View

Hey all! I have noticed from watching my stats that the post I made about an astrological chart I made ages ago (check it out here!) has been getting quite a few hits due to keywords having to with with astrology and compatibilities. So I decided to treat everyone with a better chart I drew up and boost my views at the same time. =^.~

Here tiz! =D

I will now give you a semi-brief overview on how to use this chart. First off, you have...
Signs usually get along well with other signs of the same element. Looking at the chart, you will see that the lines connecting signs of like elements will form a triangle. Individuals born under signs of the same element will tend to see eye-to-eye with each other, and usually form strong bonds.

Fire: Power & Creativity
Earth: Stability & Resoluteness
Air: Freedom & Intellect
Water: Change & Emotion

Personality and Method
Each sign has a method of actions as well as a personality attached to it.

Aries- Powerful and assertive. Wants and accomplishes.
Taurus- Stable and stubborn. Grounds and protects.
Gemini- Dual, shifting, and imaginative. Blends and changes itself.
Cancer- Tenacious, organized, and critical. Feels and reacts.
Leo- Creative and egocentric. Creates and empowers.
Virgo- Observant and detail-orientated. Organizes and improves.
Libra- Balanced and diplomatic. Understands and harmonizes.
Scorpio- Sensitive and intense. Feels and expresses.
Sagittarius- Striving and seeking. Knows and Directs.
Capricorn- Ambitious and practical. Builds and asserts.
Aquarius- Logical and unconventional. Sees and progresses.
Pisces- Caring and emotional. Feels and aligns.

Each sign is fine on it's own. It can work by itself and generally manage things well. However, it helps if it has another sign to balance it out. Two minds are better then one.

For example, Leo is creative and can be self-absorbed. Leo also consolidates and then shapes energy, ideas, facts, etc. This is great, but it also needs some direction. Enter Sagittarius. (Note. Aries works quite well with Leo too. This is just an example.)
To see how signs relate to each other, think of sign compatibility less like 'Leo and Sagittarius are compatible' and more like 'Leo consolidates. Sagittarius directs. Leo needs Sagittarius to direct excess energy. Sagittarius needs Leo as a source of energy.'
When you think of it this way, astrological signs widen from romantic compatibilities to team-building and harmonizing.

As an example of signs that usually don't work, take Sagittarius and Cancer. Cancer feels and fixes. Sagittarius directs. Cancer may cling to and attempt to better Sagittarius. Sagittarius may walk away from Cancer or attempt to steer it. If the relationship is handled wisely, it may work out. For example, it might work if Cancer understands that Sagittarius needs free-reign and helps mend and heal when needed, and if Sagittarius understands that Cancer is just trying to help and  tries to include Cancer in it's life.

Now that we're breaking away from romantic compatibilities and moving on to teamwork, one can start to create teams based off of various signs. For example, in D&D, there are adventuring parties made up of characters. There are also alignments, classes, and races belonging to and defining each character. When building an adventuring group, it is best to think up and compare characters before actually rolling them up. For example, if you're really role-playing, one should generally keep Good and Evil characters apart. The same also goes for Lawful and Chaotic characters.
If you play D&D or a like-game, try to apply an astrological sign to each character. Then examine how they interact. Make some notes then refer to the charts and lists I provided. The results should prove interesting.
This method also works for character creation in books and such as well as games and real-life teams.
-Rahel Sewell 

PS!! If you made it this far, I applaud you! I had quite a bit of fun writing this. =^^=
As a reward, you get....
A picture of a guy hugging a GIANT D20. (Hey, if you found one of these, you do the SAME thing.)
A picture of a Kuanyin statue (open in a new tab to fully appreciate her splendor!)
A rockin old lady (this is who I aim to be when I get old.)
And a guide to trustworthiness and how it relates to beards.

Why did I bestow these upon you, you may well ask? Good question. My answer is partly 'because I need something to break the seriousness', but mostly 'because you guys rock!!!' =}

(NOTE! I own no copyrights of these pictures. They are just here for your viewing satisfaction. <3)

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