Sunday, October 9, 2011

May the Dice be ever in your favor.

Something JUST came to me. I was reading Full Frontal Nerdity (It is SOO epic. If you are a Geek or a Nerd, or like D&D, THIS is the comic for you. And they mentioned Dragon Dice. I remember my Former (and First Ever) Dungeon Master talking about them. He literally said that if he got a million dollars, he'd invest them all in Dragon Dice, put them in his pool, and go swimming, I am completely serious. The guy REALLY liked those things. So anyhoo, on a whim, I made a Google search on 'em and remembered just how cool the looked, and just how cheep they are. I researched them last year, then hastily forgot their splendor lest I fall victim to debt (and weird looks from neighbors as I chilled in my Die-Pool. (heheh. WhiteWolf pun!! =D) )
Anyway, as I scrolled through Google Images, googling (pun not intended. >.<) at the many pics of rune caved polyhedral chunks of plastic, I realized something. Every Geek should receive a set of good dice when they complete their training. I got mine on eBay several years ago when I found my first tabletop RPG handbooks in Bart's Books. It was The Player's Guide and the Game Master's Guide to Alternity, by the way. I had only vaguely heard of D&D before, and although my Dad and Uncle used to be avid gamers, I had never set eyes upon a handbook. And yet I felt what it was. I knew, right then, that I was destined to have those books. I bought them, took them home, and started my life as a changed Geek. Unfortunately, I haven't played in that universe yet, but it is my goal.
So, moving closer to the main subject... I got my dice on eBay, and although my Dad paid for them, it wasn't the same as them being handed down to me. Sure, the dice didn't have my Dad's Dice Karma attached to them, (Which may or may not have been a good thing) but we were still really bummed that he didn't save them to hand down to his advancing Padiwan.
So, as I looked over these elegant dice, I realized that I should really start a dice collection to hand down to my future kids. I know that I will have them one day, I hope that they will be Geeks, and it would be an amazing gift to them if I presented them with their fist RPG manuals and Dice as their first day as True Geek Padiwans. I now know why people collect dice. =)

I can picture it now.
"Krin and Farren Sewell, step forward and receive your first Gift as True Geek Padiwans.
I present you with your First Manuals. May they always steer you to the right page. May you excel in your Gameplay, weather you be Elf or Orc, Wookie or Twelek, Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil, and any and all in between. May you feel Courage and Freedom, and learn Loyalty and Respect.
I present you with your First Dice. May they never fail you, and be merciful in their rolls. May you stand as Bridges between the Normal World and the World of Geek, with a foot on each side, and be Loved by all.
I pronounce you True Geek Padiwans. Stand strong, with feet in Reality, and never forget the True Joy of Geekdom.
May the Dice be ever in your favor."

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