Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Recruit pt1 (Paranoid Post)

I have an announcement to make.
I'M GONNA HAVE ANOTHER SIBLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I am so exited. X}

I have to admit though, I am pretty apprehensive about all of it... My Dad and Holly (the kid's mom. Hi Holly!!) have been dating since about November. Now, don't get me wrong. I love her. She is awesome and I think that they are a great match. However, I am under the belief that infatuation lasts for about 2 years. They disagree, believing that it lasts for about 3 weeks.
...Yes, I am serious.

WHATEVER the case, they were thinking about getting married a few months back. They asked me and I said that I didn't think it was a good idea. I also added quite plainly that I didn't want them having kids right away. Despite my warnings, they did it anyway. I don't mind when people don't listen to me on the basis that, say, my fashion sense is wacky. Or that I actually don't care where we eat. Or that I will go off on some weird rant about Disneyland's food containing will-weakening drugs that will make us trust the government. I do mind, however, when the decision they're making directly effects me. Moving the couch? Ask me first. Deciding on a breed of chickens? Ask me first. Getting married and having kids? DEFINITELY ASK ME FIRST.
It may be their decision, and I can't forbid them from having children (that would just be selfish), but I would like to be listened to. If you think my idea is bonkers, tell me so! I'm used to it! Point out the flaws in my plan, call me crazy, call me illogical, defend your point however you want! Just so long as you connect with me.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not resentful of them for having a kid! I am SO exited about the kid!!
My biggest thing is that now they are tied forever. I know how it is to have your parents divorced, or worse, unhappy with each other. I really don't want more kids to go through that. (Holly, if you're reading this right now, I know you're going to want to take me aside and explain that you and my Dad will stay together. Let me just save you the trouble. I think that you will. I am simply paranoid and overly cautious.)
Moreover, I haven't actually completely figured out Holly. I'm good at understanding people, but it takes some time if I wish to understand them at a deep level. Some people take longer then others. Holly is no exception. I totally trust her, but I know that there is something deep within her that she ignores. Something that needs to come out sometime. I'm not sure what it is, and I'm not sure if she realizes it, but I know that it's there. This isn't necessarily a bad thing! It's just something that I wanted to delve into before life got more complicated. Also, I am still unfamiliar with her body language, so I feel like I'm treading on eggshells whenever I interact with her. I'm pretty light on my feet, but pregnant women tend to get very grouchy. Especially around me. Why? I'm not sure. I'm guessing it's because I broadcast 'wolf' when I'm in public.

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