Frequently Asked Questions!

(In no particular order)

Why do you wear long sleeves all the time?
Habit. I used to constantly wear jackets after puberty, but (thanks to the 988 binder) I'm flat-chested most days of the week. Also, jackets are nice when I'm nervous because they're socially-acceptable comfort blankets with sleeves I can easily fiddle with.

Male pronouns please, and thank you for asking!

What political party do you belong to?
The one where you think that everyone should tolerate each other so we can do battle with the Angry Space Mooses that will someday threaten Earth. Saying "libertarian" is sometimes easier, though.

Why aren't you driving yet?
Because the room for error is wide and deadly.

No. Tumblr for evah.

Why do you use g+?
I happen to really like the interface. Also, everyone is pretty nice on there. Also, I can separate people into little boxes only seen by myself. Oooh the power...

Why do you sometimes flip out in crowded rooms? Are you clausterphobic?
I'm not claustrophobic. I am, however, slightly antisocial and cleithrophobic. I am also very easily overstimulated and react very badly to random sharp noises. This means that being trapped in a room full of people is not fun.
This contributes to my frequent panic attacks.

Why don't you accept hugs from me? I am offended.
In addition to certain sounds, I have an aversion to certain types of touch. For hugs, this depends upon the person, my stress level, and what type of hug it is- a one-armed hug lasting less than 3 seconds with someone I trust and I'm not too stressed out is usually fine. Please don't expect me to use both arms or not tense up, though.

Are you on medication for your anxiety?
Nope. I have existential difficulties with mood-altering substances. Probably from reading Philip K. Dick.
I'm working on regulating my emotions through pure willpower. No, it isn't working perfectly, but I might be getting the hang of it.
What I've found works against panic attacks now is stimming -- ritualistic or repetitive actions such as counting to 16 binary on my fingers or reciting the Star Trek OS title sequence like William Shatner.

Asperger's syndrome?

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