Monday, June 4, 2012

Geek Day

Okay. Some of you may know that Geek Pride Day was on May 25. I told you that I'd blog about what I did on that day, but I didn't follow through with it. I'm here to make amends.

Geek Pride Day was disappointing for me.
I planned on going to watch MIB III with Dad and Holly, and wearing my towel 24/7.
It was not so.

We ended up going to my great-grandmother's house in Santa Barbra. Don't get me wrong- I love my grandmother and I have many May Twenty-Fifths ahead of me. I was just hoping to do something else on that day.
Anyway, I decided to wear:

  • A towel (purple terrycloth with tiny tassels on the ends)
  • My Community TShirt (Cooper got it for me)
  • My leather wrist bracers (that I made)
  • My utility belt (basically a huge multi-pocketed glorified fanny-pack)
  • My D20 spiral necklace (also from Cooper)
  • My blue lightsaber (hooked on the utility belt)
  • 3D glasses (with the lenses popped out)
  • My pocket protector (stuck in my back jeans pocket. I made it for the occasion. It's made of watercolor paper and silver duck tape, and it has "Good Omens" in red letters taped to it. Unfortunately, I forgot to put the front flap on it... Fail.) in which I put:
    • A HB 2 wooden pencil
    • A ballpoint pen
    • A purple and black mechanical pencil
    • A Pivot Precise V5 Rolling Ball pen, size: "fine."
    • A little phillips screwdriver (with a purple-tinted transparent plastic handle)

I must add that my grandmother (my Dad's mother. Not my great-grandmother) was being cold to us since the day before. I think that it may have to do with Holly's pregnancy. She likes Holly, and she's very happy about the baby. She was even nice to us! Just as I was getting used to her being nice, she mentioned that our great-grandmother might be offended that Holly and Dad didn't get married before having a kid. She seemed really weird about the whole thing, and was convinced that my great-grandma wouldn't be okay with it. Dad called his grandma and told her and she was happy for them. My grandma, on the other hand, stayed strange for the whole day.

Anyway, as soon as I walked in to my great-grandmother's house, grandma gave me the cold shoulder.
"Great." I thought. She's being weird again.
After a while, my great-grandmother asked me if I was wearing glasses. I explained that there are 3D projectors now and that you have to wear special glasses and that I took them home then popped out the lenses. Then I explained why I was wearing such strange things. She was surprised to hear about the 3D movies, but she was okay with my costume.
We left for a restaurant after a few minuets. On the way out the door, my grandma stopped me. She approached me in that predatory way of hers: leaning forward, hands behind the back, face drawn in a portrait of lurking disappointment, and eyes shining darkly like a hawk's.
"Don't wear your towel to the restaurant." She said, eyes drilling into mine.
"Oh. Um, I think I'm going to. It's clean." I said. I was in full Hitchhiker mode and I wasn't going to relinquish my towel any time soon.
"Why?" She asked, menace growing in her voice.
"Because you have to know where your towel is." I replied, quoting from HHG2TG.
"Leave the towel." She demanded.
"Uh, I'm with them." I said, gesturing to Holly and Dad, who were standing right behind her. Dad carefully looked away and moved past us.
"Rahel, why are you wearing a towel?" She asked, taking a step closer. I leaned back.
"Because I am celebrating a holiday specific to my subculture." I said, standing straighter and looking her in the eye.
"Don't embarrass your grandmother." She said, referring to my great-grandmother. "Leave the towel."
With that, she slowly moved away.
With great reluctance, I took of my towel and laid it on a chair. It was one of the most difficult things that I had ever done. I had been wearing that towel all day. It was one of the first rules as a Hitchhiker.
I got my subtle revenge on the way to the parking lot though. When everyone was filed out, I said "Huh. I thought that the towel was the most normal thing I wore today. I mean, look! I have a pocket protector... A D20 necklace... A LIGHTSABER..."
To her extreme embarrassment, everyone laughed and agreed.

When we got out of the restaurant, the wind was moving like a freight train and I only had 2 shirts. It was FREEZING. I hadn't brought a sweater, jacket, cape, or any protective material of the like because  I was counting on my towel to protect me.
My teeth were chattering uncontrollably when we all got into the car.

When we came back, my towel was still there, unharmed although slightly crumpled. Thank the gods. I put it on and wore it for the rest of the day. I even slept with it to make sure that I had it near me until 12:00 AM.


Well, that's my account of Geek Pride Day! If any of you did anything, PLEASE post it in the comments! We all want to know what you did! Don't be shy. I don't bite.

PS!! I might just re-dress in my Geek Getup and take pics sometime soon! We shall see. =^.~

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You rock socks.