Wednesday, September 19, 2012

IT BE SEPT. 19!!

Ach, I feel like a lubber this day. It be Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day, an' only one "ARR" has escaped me lips, an' a quiet one at tha'. Ye might as weel keelhaul me, I'm as good as a bilge rat when a special day such a' this meanders me way. Tae think I name meself a self-respectin' geek when I cannae even utter a dirty pirate phrase on the 19 o'September!
I'm right ashamed, buckos. I'd pay up me dues right now an' start up wi' the profanities and cursin' (as it would befit a good piratin' scallywag), but I just don' have it in me. Youngins visit this page from time tae time, and I'm in no state to go upsettin' no biscut-eatin lad's ma.
Arrg! An' I had a whopper 'o a tale concernin' a lubber, a carouser, a strumpet, and a particularly fine musical instrument. Ah weel.

In the absence 'o dirty jokes, I present ye wi' a vaguely pirate-sounding and quite jaunty tune tae cheer yer heart!
Here be Silly Wizard! Ach, what this dog would do tae learn the fiddle or somfink o'er instrument. I'd get meself a good band an' play on corners dressed in right silly seafarin garb every Pirate Day. ....Come tae think 'o it, every week'd be more likely.

Fare thee weel, fellow scallywags and scurvy dogs! Until next time me muse hits. =j

     _~)_) _~

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