Friday, May 3, 2013

Too Many Stories!

As I'm sure that you can tell from my half-started blogs and story arcs, I have a hard time following through with things.
In fact, I have quite a lot of stories that I've started over the years. And I mean a lot.

Just this year I have started 10 projects.

Working Title
Cellblock 42
About prison
Didn’t know enough about prisons
Barely started
About the bible
Worried about what people will think of it
Author Avatar Star Trek Fanfic
In progress.
A long Star Trek fanfic with all original characters. Plot is laid out, a few chapters are down, and there are TONS of snippets.

Twitter and blogspot Webseries
A secret series of blog and twitter posts about Doctor Who.*
Really difficult. In real time
Almost forgotten
A nonfiction book about muses and writer’s block.
Writer’s block. (Hypocrite much??)
Sherlock-Misery Crossover Fanfic
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Lost interest. Long and painful. Couldn't find all my notes
Forgetting Blackbirds
Webcomic about a post-apocalyptic world. Clockpunk, alternate energy, sorcery, politics, romance, sword and sorcery, dragons, gods, gypsies, bandits, saving the world... It just goes on and on
Worried over everything. Reinvented characters multiple times. Made blueprints of robot caravan, including the engine. Planned WAY too much and burned myself out
Alan Turing Leads the Machines
Barely started
Alan Turing is transported to the future after he commits suicide. Has to fight for AI rights in a strange and technologic-oriented world.
Didn't want to go too crazy because of what happened with Forgetting Blackbirds
Barely started
Superhero webcomic with my sister.
Still going at a snail’s pace
James P. Finch and the Forgotten Labyrinth
On again, off again
An elaborate game/story that takes place in a huge labyrinth.
Writer’s block

*It’s a secret, but I will give you a hint if you really want to find it- 23rd female steampunkish Doctor.

I am the biggest procrastinator in the entire world! I just keep coming up with more stuff that I write down, then elaborate upon, then pursue, then fall into, then get burned out on. It's a bit like Monomania. My Dad's side of the family has it. We get into weird projects, work on them for months, then get bored.
So... Why did I post this?? Because it's something that I'm dealing with. I'm admitting it to myself and to the world and I'm making a conscious decision to change it. I'm still going to write this stuff down, but I'm going to be more careful about what I drop to write it. I have to be faithful and choose my current stories over any shiny new ones that come my way.


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