Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm Batman....

I rose early this morning (9:21) to set up the house for D&D at 12:00 PM, when I found that I was severely dehydrated. Alena started screaming "No!" repeatedly, then woke up and started telling me about a dream where her character died. I told her that it was just a dream, but I was so dehydrated I was only able to produce quiet raspy vocal tones. So I made do with what i had.
I practiced the Batman voice. It was awesome. (But it did have a sort of Cookie Monster ring to it....XD)

So I came up with a new proverb.
"When life gives you dehydration, make Batman voices."

12:00 AM

Around midnight, my urge to write fanfiction, usually just a minor bugging at the back of my brain, turns into a full blown obsession and renders me unable to sleep.
Stupid fangirl urges. XI

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ultimate power

Aah yes. The holidays just keep getting more and more magical.
Cooper gave me a spiral D20 necklace! Not only is it totally rocking in athletics, it can be removed from it's holder to wreak plastic 20 faceted doom upon my foes!!
Behold it's majesty.

D&D Chess

I just accomplished something great. I designed my first rules for playing a D&D-based chess game.
I've been wanting to do this ever since I saw Bill Amend's Foxtrot comic with the boys playing a similar game.

To make matters even more epic, I just got an old handcarved chess set from my Grandpa!
Bask in the geekyness. =^.^=


Good news everyone! You're making a special delivery to the death plane- wait. Wrong line. Lemme start over.
Good news everyone! My finger is healing!! =D
I removed the splint and bandages last night! It still feels a bit numb after the cut, and it twinges if I bend my finger, but it's all sealed up!!

PS! I also learned the Klingon salute! I asked my Grandpa and he knew. You put your right fist up to your chest near the shoulder. Cool huh? XD

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Ah yes. Christmas. A time to remember what really matters. (or at least pretend to through media programming) LOOT. And man, did I score today. My sister and I each got a N-Strike Raider Rapid Fire CS-35. AKA: A really big freekin nerf gun. Courtesy and blunder of my Dad.
Oh! And we got cool mobster hats! =D
Every Christmas should be spent speaking like you just walked out of the Godfather, shooting down family members (payback for the fact that they only got you socks last Christmas), and making your father scream like a little girl. =^.^=

Sleep with the fishes.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I cut my finger today. It stings. =(
I was whittling something for my Mom, and I learned that whittling knifes should always have locking mechanisms. Anyway, I asked for some help from Dad, and he helped me with it. For some reason, when I saw it, I instantly began to feel lightheaded. Then I felt really heavy and in a couple seconds, I had almost lost conciseness. Dad said that it was because I saw the blood, but it really wasn't that much, and I've seen, felt, and read about a whole lot worse. Yet there I was, holding my flesh together and trying to form thoughts as grey fog clung to me. I was fine pretty quickly, but then I had to sit there pressing a rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton ball to it for at least a half hour. (which felt more like 10 minuets, strangely enough) Feeling came back about halfway through, and got to feel stabbing pains. (yay!) I thought that I'd definitely have to superglue it, but Dad says that it'll heal properly. Now it's bandaged up, and I just feel dull pain. I'm supposed to keep it straight, but it's harder then it seems. Maybe I should make a splint.

You know, even though I'll have to fight off infection and hand-grabby people, I find it quite interesting seeing how my brain works under pain. I didn't panic. I just held it together, got my Dad, and headed into the bathroom. I even remembered to cling on to conciseness! =D Now I just need to work on the whole not fainting thing.....
It was actually pretty good timing! Nothing to do today, and Aikido opens back up on the 2nd next month, so it doesn't have to be opened back up by finger twisting.
Although now I need to come up with a gift for my Mom.....

Hang loose! And always work with sharp knifes with locking handles. =^.~

PS!! I just realized that I have succeeded in curbing my bad language! Not one obscenity was uttered throughout the whole escapade! Not even when feeling returned! HUZZAH!!! XD

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


[WARNING!! If you are squeamish, you may not want to read this. Go here instead. ]

I saw something yesterday that completely changed my image of hair care products, grains, and childbirth. For the worse.

Folks, I give you *drumroll* placenta shampoo.
Now, before you retch, please know that this is just a brand name. As far as I know, it does not consist of real placenta. Anyhoo, I was walking through Target with my Mom (reading Talisman in a fear induced haze) when I was jerked back into this reality by my Mom's disgusted cry of "PLACENTA?" I was confused, and thought that she said plolenta, which is a delicious dish made with cornmeal. It was weird that people would put it in their hair, but hey. Then I realized that she said placenta and I got an entirely different image. I put the book down and walked over cautiously. It said placenta all right. We stood there in a stupor, just staring. Then Mom did the unthinkable. She walked over, unscrewed the cap and smelled it. Now, I must tell you that my Mom is quite squeamish, and a complete germaphobe. She does, however, have a strange compulsion to smell disgusting things. Like that one time my Dad's rancid boxers were lying on the floor and she sniffed them to see if they were dirty...... Yeah.
Anyway, she reeled back and gagged several times. She proclaimed it thoroughly disgusting, and I snapped a picture for you guys. Then we walked away slowly. After a brief period of time, we started making Rat Race jokes. We got a lot of stares as we walked down isles whispering "For her.... PLANENTAAAAAAAA." in a throaty voice.
We get along so well.

 PS!! I realize that many of you have not seen Rat Race, and so you don't get the references.
The squerrel thing is here:
And the "PLANENTAAAAAAAA" thing is here.
[WARNING!! May not be work/family friendly due to the title.]

Friday, December 16, 2011

My first Real-Life Minion!! =D

I got a Minion!!! =D =D =D =D
I've always had many imaginary Minions, and my altar egos have always had a great number of Minions, but I've never received a real, flesh and blood, human one.
There's this really cute little kid at my school who randomly gives hugs to students. Yesterday, she seemed to take a liking to me (despite my greatest efforts to convince the kindergartners that I'm off my rocker) and she stayed by my elbow and growled at anyone who passed. She seemed pretty devoted and I was curious what she could do, and how big her vocabulary was. My little sister N has this thing where she keeps poking me and caressing the back of my neck with her super-long nails. She's cute, but really. I jump out of my skin every time. So N came creeping up to me, and I saw this as a chance to test my new Minion. I looked down at her, pointed to N, and said "sic' em!" She responded pretty fast. She got in front of a giggling N and started blocking her. She was pretty darn good. N left somewhere else for a brief time and my Minion returned. Later, when I was playing with N, I told her to not attack, and she didn't!
I think that this will work out just fine. =D

PS!! It turns out that I'm in a joint Minionship with Cooper and my other friend. We're both his Minions, but I also serve Coop. It's a pretty awesome arrangement. =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank you.

Okay. The road has been lang and hard for you, but it was worth it.

And to celebrate, someone has posted a downright epic pic made by kinjamin from DeviantART.

Thank you, and long live Community!! =D

Friday, December 9, 2011

The things I do for fun... Part 1

Hey humanoids!! (.......Or not. WE SHALL SOON SEE. nyehehehh....)
I just added a poll to my blog! =D
It's right between my "Minion List"* and "Other epic blogs and sites!!"
Be sure to vote. And choose wisely! Because my deciding whether or not you're a replicant may rest upon one click....

....So no pressure! =^^=

* Ahh yes. My Minion List. Join it, and we will rule the internet like blogger and follower!! }=D

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Please save Greendale!

Hello all you Community fans out there! You have probably heard this by now, but Community is in danger of being canceled. To help keep it on the air, please tell everyone you know about the show, and post #savecommunity wherever you can! =^^=

Here's more info! =^.~

Also, Hulu has episodes live-streaming for free! =D

Qapla'! Many epic shows in your future. =)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Of glitter, smart-assery, and Mothers

I was watching my Dad's girlfriend and my sister unpack Christmas ornaments the other day, when I caught sight of something so horrible, I literally reeled back in disgust. GLITTERY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS. Now, I love Christmas. I love the colors, the cheesy decorations, the cold days (it helps me remember just how much I love the heat), drinking tea and reading Calvin and Hobbes... I love Christmas, but there are 3 things I don't like.

  1. Cut-down Christmas trees (I probably won't go into this one... Let's just say that feeling a tree die is heart breaking.)
  2. Christmas music (Most of it anyway. The H.P. Lovecraft stuff though? Pure gold.)
  3. Tinsel and, by extension, Glitter.
Yes, you heard me. Glitter.

Anyway, as I edged away from the shiny little plastic flecks of pure chaos and hate, I wondered (as I always do whenever I see them) exactly WHY I dislike them. (Glitter and vampires.... Wait. I think I see a correlation here... O_O) I mean, glitter didn't really do anything to hurt me...
So I thought way back.

This is what I remembered.
Aside from that one time where my Mom's friend's kid dumped a container of glitter on my head (the little twerp was about 6 at the time, so I couldn't whoop his butt), I have only had ONE Glitter Incident. Here it is.

The Great Glitter Incident of 2000.

I was a downright contrary little 4 year old. I was voluntarily literalistic, snobbish, rude, smart-assed, stubborn (extra stress on this), temperamental, and utterly brilliant.
My poor Mother, oh my poor poor Mother. She was THE BEST MOM EVER. (did already I mention this?) She put up with my shit (literally and figuratively), she put up with my Dad's shit (also in both senses. [She wants to add that there was considerably more vomit]), she bathed us, clothed us, put a roof over our heads, and she loved us. (I should also mention that Dad did (and still does) all this too.)
Despite all this, mothers have a breaking point. I found hers on numerous occasions (this being the number one job of a 4 year old), but this was the only time I was actually AFRAID of my Mother.

It was a hot Summer day. I home school, so I did my work through the Summer in our roofed patio. My Mom was having me work off of a home-made worksheet (lovingly hand-written by her [WITH illustrations. I KID YOU NOT.], and one of my greater arch-nemesi), and I was not having it. I hated having to sit, I hated having to focus, and I hated being watched as I worked. I, taking any opportunity to piss off my wonderful, loving Mother, decided that I'd write the answers to the addition problems AS BIG AS I COULD.
Que the patient sigh. "Rahel, you need to make it smaller." My writing got BIGGER.
My Mom heaved a slightly more annoyed sigh. "No, Rahel. SMALLER."
I paused. She wanted smaller? I'd give her smaller.
About this small. *
Thus having destroyed the (hand-designed!) worksheet (and, in the process, my Mother's patience), we moved on to the less-stressful arts and crafts.
Arts and crafts were (and still are) a big part in our family. My Mom is the craft QUEEN and we always had little papery scraps and whatnot littering our house. Today's craft was something seasonal. I don't really remember what I was supposed to make, but I know that it integrated pieces of my other subjects (like writing poetry, diagramming the affects of certain chemicals when mixed together, and little snippets of things like "temporary means it goes away, and permanent means it stays forever.") What I remember most about it, however, was the glitter and feathers. It had lots of glitter and feathers. My Mom pointed out a spot that still needed glittering. I threw her a sideways look. She wanted more glitter? I could do that.... I should mention that I bore NASTY grudges, and I remembered little things with finite detail. (More on that in a later post.) And I was still sore about that math. She wanted glitter? I'd give her more glitter. Heck, she could have the WHOLE BOTTLE. Out it gushed.
At this point, my Mom was incredibly exasperated, and nearly loosing her cool. Her jaw set. After grieving for the late handcrafted lesson in her own way (which involved closing her eyes, breathing deeply, and counting to ten), she spared me a peeved look before bending over the table to blow away the stray flecks. I instantly felt bad. She was just trying to teach me. She thought that it was important. I really had no reason to try and set her off. So I decided to help with the glitter cleanup. I should mention at this point that I was seated across the table from her. *evil cackle* I was really just trying to help. I swear. I didn't know that the hateful little sparkley razors flew so well..... Or were so sharp.
I remember very well the cloud of glitter rising, blown away by my over-exuberant breath. (I should also mention that I had an insane lung capacity. And I'm talking INSANE.) I remember her drawing in a startled breath as the cloud engulfed her. It was almost comical. Until the cloud fell away like a curtain and I saw her face. Horror struck. I doubt that I will ever be able to describe the look on her face. It burned, nay drilled into my brain, letting me know just how livid she was with me at that moment. I was never so afraid of her. The time she popped my red balloon (what she describes as her 'lowest point'?) Not as scary. The time I peed on my bed in pure defiance of being put on a time out? Not even close. But this, THIS, was utterly terrifying. I probably would have pissed my pants if I wasn't frozen in my seat, calculating the probability that I'd live this escapade. Could I run? Nope. She was too close. Could I hide? No, she was right there. Could I apologize? Definitely not. Snapping her out of her angry paralysis would be most unwise.
I don't remember what I did, and neither does my Mom, but I can guess that my Dad (Goddess bless his soul) took over. I vaguely remember him giving me a talking to about doing math, listening to my mother, and being VERY. CAREFUL. WITH. GLITTER. Especially around Mom. I can just picture him walking in on the scene. Me, about to lose my bodily functions, trapped like a rodent in a snake's eyes. Mom, fit to spontaneously combust in a flurry of poison and fire, sending a coating of glitter around the room like festive ninja stars.
Definitely one for the yearbooks.

* Unfortunately, blog spot's fonts are relatively normal-sized. Big was about 2" high, and bigger was 3". Small was minuscule. And by minuscule, I mean about 1 millimeter tall. Seriously. I was INSANE.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Of Smurfs and Pies

I read somewhere that Geeks will do many things for pie. I even saw a chart specifying the amount and quality necessary to bribe a Geek into actions of varying degrees of difficulty. (For example, dressing nicely and having tea with one's mother)
I was curious. I would do quite a lot for pie.... I love the stuff! If you ask me, Pie>Cake. Yes, I favor pie over god pounding cake. (Oh yes! I'm reading 'Talisman' by Steven King and Peter Straub. SO TOTALLY EPIC.) It rules THAT MUCH.
Anyhoo, I asked around and it would seem as if the 'pie rewards' theory doesn't really work that well. I asked Cooper if he liked pie, and he said that he didn't especially like it, and that he only really likes pumpkin pie anyway. =^^=
I also asked my Dad, and he said that he didn't like pie enough to take it as payment for anything... Oh well. n_n;

Also, while we're on the subject of pies, it turns out that Gargamel is not trying to make a pie out of the Smurfs. Cooper and his little sister Hazel (one of the cutest kids on the planet, by the way.) explained that he's trying to harness their magical powers... I read that he originally planned to eat them, then wanted to use them to create gold. When he's really mad he wants to destroy them....
This comes as a shock to me. I always assumed that he wanted to make blueberry Smurf-pies out of them.... 4_4;

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I found Think Geek...

Here's some awesome stuff I found on their site.

Samurai stuff not for you? Maybe you lean to the medieval side? That's cool too.

And last but not least for the umbrellas..... I give you...... BLADERUNNER!!! =D

And now.... My all-time favorite.
THE Starfleet Academy Titanium Fork.

Dirty jokes Part 2


Oooookay. Here goes.
What does a roll of toilet paper and the USS Enterprise have in common?
They both fly to Uranus to wipe out the Klingons.

.................... I blame my Grandfather.

Dirty jokes Part 1

(for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term 'slash,' please go here. Wikipedia is teh shizz.

I was in school today. We had 7 people in a 'Gameboard Making' class. (Our classes aren't really very academic. We learn the more practical stuff at home.) As an intro, our teacher opened up 'Settlers of Catan' and we spread out the stuff. We couldn't figure out how to play, and we ran out of time, so we just played around with the pieces in the last moment of class. Everyone started building little towns with their pieces, and one kid said "Wow look! We're multiplying really fast." There was a slight pause. One of the guys got this funny smirk. Now, this guy is pretty quiet, really big, and fairly soft spoken. (He's also 'straight') He seems like a quiet guy, but every so often, one gets a glimpse into his mind....
He suddenly spoke into the pause and said "Man, look at how fast these two guys are multiplying."
It was the way he said it. Pure wonder and amusement, with a subtle mix of perversion under the guise of innocence. Somehow, it was pure gold.
We all stared at each other for a moment, then grieved in our own way. The speaker looked down in horror. His buddy stared at him in absolute fright. Cooper, my best friend, looked completely taken aback. All the others had similar reactions, except for me and another girl. (a sweet, innocent, little Christian girl. The LAST person I expected to get the joke.) We laughed. Hard. Until we cried. She actually fell off her chair. After class, all we had to do was look at each other, and we would bust out laughing.

I think I've made a new friend.

Friday, November 25, 2011


I've started drawing Manga (with my cartooning teacher's great advice and my friend's heartening encouragement and astoundingly large manga collection) over the past year, and I am really pleased with how far I've gone. Pleased enough to show the world!!
Here are some of them. =)

These are some characters I'm designing for a Gypsy, Post-Apocolypse Sword-and-Sorcery manga I'm working on.

Here's their progress over several months.


Anyhoo, thanks for checking out my drawings!! I hope to keep advancing, and to publish my work on the net.

Is zero a whole number?

Not just a facepalm, but a PICARD facepalm. IN ASCII ART.
I'm sure that hurt.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?

I have come to a very painful crossroads in my life. I was browsing for clips of Star Trek (original series) on youtube when I came across a video with Data and Spock having a conversation about being human. I fell in love. I watched more clips, falling head over heels for The Next Generation with each click. How could this be happening? My heart belonged to the oldies! I loved the cheesy affects, the silly hairdoos, the bad acting. The paper mache! And yet I was enamored with the effects, the acting, the characters!! Even Spock, dear Spock whom I have followed doggedly, hanging on to every word every stoic look, for seasons! Even he paled (if that was possible) when compared to Data's purity and freedom of mind!

I'm not even going to get into Kirk vs. Picard, a frightening concept for Geeks and Nerds everywhere.

Maybe I could watch them both. Maybe it doesn't matter. They can both have my love, can't they? Although what if my love strayed from the original to TNG? I can't leave it in the dust, after all we've been through together.

Where has my love gone? I feel like a traitor. A backstabber. How could my heart change so quickly? It is madness but then, when has love ever been sane?

Am I willing to betray my Geek heritage and wade into unknown waters, leaving behind the Star Trek I loved in favor of this new copy? You don't even know exactly who will die on a planet's surface based solely on the color of their shirt! Do I want a love like that?

I'm not quite sure.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Maladaptive Daydreaming takes on another level

I just found that I can continue dreams in my waking life!! You know when you have a REALLY cool dream, but you're woken up before you can finish it? Yep. Annoying. When this happens to me, I usually wake up and move on, but in this dream, I was protecting the innocent.
I have watched a couple episodes of an old show, and in it, the older brother is always a pig to the younger one. He hits him, ridicules him, gets him into trouble and doesn't get him back out.
So in the dream, he and his father were just sitting around. The kid (aged 15 ish) proclaimed that he had never been in a fight, whereupon I jumped up and pointed out his bruised face. I tried to explain to the father that he always beat up on his little brother, but he refused to listen. I was about to defend my statement when I woke up. I was really miffed. I wanted to expose that jerk's brotherly incompetance once and for all! So, as I had breakfast, I continued the dream. I just let it come. It was so cool. In the waking dream, I rose and told the father that if he let his son get into brawls around the neighborhood, I would be happy to be part of one. The kid acted edgy and said that he wouldn't hit a girl, so I taunted and insulted him until he got up and took a swing at me. I wasn't fast enough, so I took it, but he was slow and punched horribly, so it didn't really hurt. I deflected the next one, moved forward, grabbed his wrist and the back of his neck, and took him into a pin. I got his arm behind him and twisted a little until he flailed, then I let him go. "And that's why you don't mess with you're little brother!" I said, and walked away. The father looked down and asked his son if he learned an important lesson. From his position in the dust, the kid said "don't mess with girls."
I suppose he was right, but he should really think harder about his answer. And I'll be right there to help out.

Soooo, what came about in daydreaming about teaching some punk a lesson by taking him down? I now know that I can finish dreams even when I'm not asleep. I didn't have to direct anything, and it felt just like a real dream! I just sat back and enjoyed the show.

It's fun being a Maladaptive Daydreamer. =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I know that you're watching me......

You. Yeah, you. The guy with Google Crome on the Mackintosh from the US. I know you just looked at this blog a few minuets ago. Thank you. =^^=

Presidential Election 2012 Part 2

Aaaaand we also have this guy.
"The Dove World Quran-burning controversy arose in July 2010, when Terry Jones, the pastor of the Christian Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, U.S., declared he would burn 200 Qurans on the 2010 anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Media coverage resulted in international outrage and pleas from world leaders to cancel the event. In early September 2010, Jones cancelled and pledged never to burn a Quran. Jones's original 2010 threat sparked protests in the Middle East and Asia, in which a total of 20 people were killed."
Man, the naked cowboy is looking better and better in this election!

How would Mr. Jones like it if someone went and publicly declared that they were going to burn the Holy Bible in response to the crusades? What's that, Terry Jones? You weren't part of the crusade? Well too bad.

Besides, I don't care about the religious beliefs of terrorists!! Their laws and politics? Maybe. But I really don't think that publicly insulting a whole group of people based solely on their religious beliefs is productive or healthy.

Presidential Election 2012 Part 1

Our country just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Ladies, Gents, and any other equally amazing  human beings, (or non-humans, I'm cool with that too. =^.~) I give you:
A 2012 presidential candidate. Yes, take a good look. He is a naked cowboy.
Here's his Wikipedia page. XD
Not that I have a problem with naked cowboys...... It's just that I'm not completely sure that most of America would like to be represented by this dude. (Which is kind of silly, as one should represent oneself.)
Besides, I'm kinda reminded of Zaphod Beeblebrox! =^.~

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My life is forever changed

DUDE. I witnessed something great the other day.
He was on a step ladder slipping in the little plastic letters. He looked perfectly normal, except maybe that he was young and happy. XD (He had a bright, happy smile on his face that greatly contrasted with the weather. How often do you see THAT? XD)
I had always assumed that imps had taken care of it. You know! From Discworld? .....No? durn. --_--
Heck, even JASON hasn't seen a human take care of it!! Even he, the all-wise Jason Janiki, assumed that Ninja Gnomes take care of it.
Anyhoo, if you happen to see bright, happy, young people on ladders on a sidewalk, please shake their hand and thank them for pitching in and letting our imps/gnomes/ninjas have a well-deserved break. They earned it. =D
My Mom has a blog now!! =D
I just read her latest post and. although I've heard this story about a million times, I laughed my ass off. It. IS. SO. GOOD. XDD

Here. x)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Awesome news!

People at school notice when I'm gone!! =D
This is a huge achievement for me. I grew up with my little sister and my Mom's adult friends to hang around. Now I have 2 friends, AND people are nice to me! They even seem to like me around. =^^=

Thursday, November 3, 2011


My friend, Cooper, will now be making regular (ish) appearances on my blog. =D
He is quite happy that I featured him in 2 of my blog posts so far, and has granted me permission to use his first name. =)
HUZZAH! =^^=

Anyhoo, look for Coop in later posts! =}

PS!! Here's his blog! =D

I.... Am..... Pocket goddess.

I just got Pocket God on my Dad's iPad..... I love it. Now I can finally let Nimain the Hellhound Goddess (my evil altar ego) have the fun she deserves....... Bwehehehehehehehhh...... }=}

Ahem. Moving on! ^_^;
The thing that I like most about it is that you can be whatever kind of God/Goddess you want! You can show them mercy and kindness, or you can show them SHARKS WITH FREEKIN LAZERS STRAPPED TO THEIR HEADS!!! =D No. Seriously. You can. =]

Sooooo, The app is $0.99 in the Apple app store. If you like smacking around small islanders, cackling evilly, and destroying things, this is the app for you. =D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Freezing in Fresno

My friend went to Fresno last year. (or earlier this year) We emailed each other while he was away, and a wrote him a story. =)

Cooper: "Today, on the other hand, I froze stocking freezer shelves. 0 degrees inside the freezer, 115 outside the store. My body was very confused"
Me: "XD Okay. That's funny. You were lucky your body didn't decide to paralyze itself so that it could stay in the freezer.......

Cooper  was stocking the shelves in a Fresno super market. He walked back and forth, from the hot store to the freezer, all day. It was hot as 5 hells. Then it wasn't. It was more like Hoth. Wait no! 5 hells. Hoth. 5 hells. Hoth. hell. hoth. hell. hoth. hell, hoth, hell, hoth-
Suddenly a voice screamed out in the store. "Cooper! Make. Up. Your. Mind."
Cooper paid it no notice. It was arguable if he heard it at all. He continued going back and forth. Hell. hoth. hell. hoth. hot. cold. hot. cold. hot-
The voice spoke again, this time laden with reproach. "Cooper, I'm not kidding. Stop moving. Now. Make up your mind. Hot or cold?"
Cooper continued to not respond. hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold-
The voice cut into Cooper's mind. "Okay. That's it. This is your last chance."
Cooper paused and cocked his ear for a moment, then attributed the sound to the vent blowing in the background. He kept stocking shelves. hot,cold,hot,cold,hot,cold-
The voice spoke again, with laden with cynicism. "Okay, I warned ya...." hotcoldhotcoldhotco-
Suddenly Cooper found that he couldn't move his arms. They just didn't want to move. They felt heavy........ Wait. No, he didn't really feel his arms. He had but a split second to mull over this before his fingers failed. The can he was holding crashed to the floor, spewing baked beans all over the freezer's floor. Cooper hardly noticed because he was trying to stop his fall as well as he could. It was only a few feet, but his legs and arms refused to cooperate.  He crashed to the floor, glasses slightly askew.
"See? Toldja." Said the voice, smugly.
He attempted to squirm around to find the voice, but found it impossible. He stopped trying and instead attempted to ignore the baked beans that were freezing to his glasses.
The voice harrumphed dryly. "If you had listened to me the first time and stayed in one place instead of dashing around like some kind of lunatic, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. Do you know just how hard it is just to maintain someone's core temperature without being in a freezer? In Fresno??"
Cooper considered this. He found that didn't know. It must be very hard though. Suddenly, he wondered what he was doing in Fresno. It was hot. He lay face-down on the floor and felt a faint spark of hope. At least he would be go home tomorrow. In the meantime, well- ........At least it was cold.

Monday, October 31, 2011

My brain on candy

Happy Halloween/Last Harvest/Samhain!! =D
I just went trick-or-treating! =D I'm in a candy daze right now. I can't hold my sugars! XD

Anyhoo, my Sister went as Lydia, my Mom went as Miss Argentina, (both from Beetlejuice) Joe went as himself, (jeans, cheesy Frankenstein Tshirt, flannel shirt, heavy boots, greased back hair, and mutton shops. He always dresses like that. XD) and I went as Heath Ledger's Joker! At first, I was going to go as a road kid, (a hobo apprentice) but I lost my hat. So I was going to go as myself again. I was contentedly playing Angry Birds on Mom's iPhone when they caught me, stuffed me in a purple jacket, a green tie, and face paint. I was quite bewildered, but it ended up looking awesome. =D
So we went and (politely) started pillaging houses, when I met my friend Cooper, who was dressed as a Wii remote. (which, by the way, proves to be a rather hazardous costume. People kept yelling stuff at him and hitting him. (presumably trying to press the cardboard buttons) It took all the self preservation I had (which isn't very much) to not call them all 'bloody rat bastards' and let them have knuckle sandwiches.) He was split off from his group, so we traveled together for the rest of the trip. At one point, we were waiting around for someone else, and some little kids were looking at my costume. So I did some Joker impressions. When they passed, I kept talking to myself (as I am wont to do when nervous) and started spouting more Dark Knight lines. Suddenly, "I'm Batman." Came out. I, of course, corrected myself. "No. Wait. I'm not Batman. I'm.... Joker? No." I thought for a moment, then looked up and said in the grainy Batman voice "I'm the illegitimate child of Batman and-" I stopped, finding Cooper staring at me with the expression of utmost shock and horror upon his face. Poor guy. He'll never be able to get the images out of his innocent little mind. =(

Well, happy Halloween! Good haul. =D
PS! Sorry for scarring your mind, dude. XD

Qapla!! =^_^=

Sunday, October 30, 2011

what to draw...

Well, I'm out of stories to tell at the moment. It isn't that I'm lacking in creativity, it's just that nothing UBER exiting is happening right now that I'd want open to the public. =^.~ Not that I'm guilty of flying around with Batman, busting gang bangers, and following through with my plans of world domination with the help of titanium robot sandworms or anything like that...... Ahem. Moving on. n_n;
I have been drawing quite a bit of manga though! I will scan and post some of them the next time I am allowed access to a printer! (around Wednesday ish)

Until then,
Qapla!! =^^=

PS!! Now that I'm mostly over the Sick (maj!! =D) I am continuing with my learning Klingon!! =)
tlhIngan maH!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My first Star Wars novel!! =D

I have taken another step in my Geekdom. My Dad has bestowed me with my first Star Wars novel, "The Truce at Bakura."

As I sat and looked at the cover, trying to (rather foolishly) judge it's contents by it's amazingly cheesy cover. Suddenly, I realized that it was probably pretty much fanfiction, minus a few crack pairings here and there. I do not mean to offend any purists, but it wasn't created by Lucas Films was it? The only difference was that it was OWNED by them. I imagined it as a very big, very dusty, very old backup. This mental image amused me thoroughly, so I posted it. I haven't started reading it quite yet, as I'm still savoring the mystery as to the nature of it's contents, but I will read it tonight. I will make an update in the morning. =D

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maladaptive Daydreaming

I have found that I'm a Maladaptive Daydreamer! I have every symptom displayed by Wikipedia. This comes as an immense relief to me. For a while, I thought that I might have mild Schizophrenia, due to my hallucinations and inner dialogue. (I have determined that the hallucinations are just my 'projecting' my fantasies into my real life. (I know that they aren't 'real' in a material sense) The inner dialogue is probably due to slight loneliness.) I really didn't quite know how to look at it (I kept worrying that I may have something else) until I told myself that it doesn't really matter, and it won't change who I am. I took this advice to heart, and I'm not going to worry about it. Besides, it isn't disturbing me, and I like daydreaming. It gives me my own little fantasy that I can interact with. It keeps me from getting bored from the monotony of my life. =)

Health to all!

Hey. I'm Batperson.

I watched "Batman Begins" today. I'm in shock. IT. WAS. SO. AWESOME.

I'm going to be Batman's side kick!! =D
I'm going to make myself a cape. And a utility belt. And a mask. And a BULLET PROOF TECH SUITE.
Oooh yea. It's gonna be great. }=D
Now I just have to come up with a good name....  AND I've gotta find batman. This part will be easy. All I have to do is stage a crime, and wait for crazy people in capes to try and stop me. I'll join up with the one who proclaims himself Batman. The guy just can't help pumping up his ego. He HAS to let EVERYONE know that HE'S THE Batman. XD This is gonna be a breeze.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rest in Peace Dennis Ritchie and Steve Jobs

A mastermind of our times, Dennis Ritchie, was found dead on the 12 this month, just 7 days after Steve Jobs died. I found this on the Wikipedia news board today. I didn't know them, and I can't pretend to, but I still feel a small twinge of sadness.
I feel a bit pained that I never got to thank them personally for their enormous help in developing the technical world, but I know that I will always be able to find them in the freedom of systems triggered and inspired by UNIX, and the elegance of Apple products. A wisp of their spirit still lingers in their designs, dances in the vast cyber planes of the grid, and whispers in the little cracks, crevices, snippets and strings of code. They also live on in the millions that have been touched by their brilliance, and I will do my best to bring freedom and creativity to the world as they did.
My heart also goes out to their friends and family. Even if I didn't know them, I know the pain of losing someone close, and I wish them full health and happiness.

My appreciation of what you have given to this world goes to you, my late friends. May you pass on to your next adventure, changing the world as you go, and always be met with positivity and health.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chug! Chug!! Chug!!! Chug!!!

No matter how many times I get sick, I never seem to remember just how plain out annoying it is. There's the fever-dreams, the long nights, the snot, the hacking and coughing, the lack of appetite.... Not to mention the weird stuff my Mom makes me drink. Now, I love my Mom, and I fully appreciate her giving me things to make my life better, but Theraflu is not something you want to drink very much of. Scratch that. You probably wouldn't ever want to drink Theraflu in any amount. Especially when you are expected to chug it down so that your sister can have the rest before it cools. It is not particularly nice to chug anything, (except maybe warm tea) and this stuff lands up there with 'sand,' 'bourbun,' 'very small rocks,' and 'motor oil' on the 'DO NOT CHUG LIST.'
At least I'm not vomiting. That'll come next month. =P

PS!! I have never consumed bourbon in my life, and I do not expect to any time soon, along with all other alcohols.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The sick

Not again.... I'm sick with the cold this week. I have been sick about 4 times this year. Easily. Obviously, I need to update my system. If I go on like this, bad things will happen. Maybe I need to get some kind of 'Fight Cold' feat? Is there such a thing?? I must find out. Anyhoo, I'm tiered, grouchy,and and my sinuses sting. I really don't want to roll up new character, (AKA: dying/reincarnation/moving-on/kicking-the-bucket/biting-the big-one/going-to-see-the-great-gig-in-the-sky, etc. for all you non-gamers out there =^.~) so I'll just have to tough it out and pray that I build a tolerance to sick.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Marvin I love you.

My Dad showed this to me today. I am battling the urge to cry.
..........So.......... sad........
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My sister meets girly anime

I got my sister into girly anime!!! =D
I saw about the 12 first Ouran Host Club episodes with my friend a couple months ago without my sister, who ages 12. Today, I had Monty Python's "I bet that they won't play this song on the radio" stuck in my head, so I found it on youtube. Then I saw that they made one that was synced with clips from Host Club, so I showed it to her. I ended up explaining the series to her, then showing her the show itself on youtube. She is HOOKED. It is sooo hilarious. She goes into fangirl mode whenever they make slashy jokes, (just as I do) so we'll be watching it, and we'll suddenly FREAK OUT, screaming, squealing, and thrashing. XD

PS!! Here's the Host/MP song! =D

Friday, October 14, 2011

Numbers and Heart Break

I was reading more Full Frontal Nerdity and I came across this. I have been feeling sentimental since the beginning of October, (as you can see in my archive) and this did it for me. I could feel my heart break. You know when you can really FEEL your heart break? It HURTS. Bad.

I have always been really attached to fictional characters. I read my first book at age 3, and I've been reading since, so I have always found fictional friends easier to relate to then 'real' (ie. non-fictional) human friends. Not that I'm bagging on my human friends! I love you guys. It's just that I've had more fictional friends then 'real' humans, and I haven't had a friend since I was about 8/9 up until last year. I'm really happy that I have you humans, and I wouldn't trade you for anything, but I still get attached to non human and fictional people a lot. I mean, whenever I think of Harry Potter, my heart breaks. I couldn't finish the 7nth book after Hedwig died. It just hurt to much. Now I just try not to listen whenever people start talking about who dies. I just turn a frantically blind ear to it and steel myself for the familiar crunching sound as the little tinted glass shards of my heart are ground into my stomach. Then I try to forget what I heard, try to remember the characters I love so much as breathing and happy. There will always be a place for them in my heart where they can live, it's just that, whenever my heart breaks, I have to recollect them, mend my heart, seal them inside, and then steel myself for the next splintering. I guess that's the amazing thing about hearts. They're so accident prone, yet we keep 'em around. We even fix them back up in the full knowledge that they will break again. Strangeness.

Anyhoo, If you have read this far, I thank you (yeah, you! Over there! The Person Staring at Light-Pixels! HI!! =D) for reading all of this angst-ridden, emo insanity. (No offense meant to any emos! =^^=  It's just not usually in my nature to 'go emo,' if you'll excuse the term) It really helps me when I write this stuff down. I hope that I haven't depressed you too much, and I thank you again for reading my stuff. It means a whole lot to me. =)

PS!! Disclaimer: I hold absolutely no rights to Full Frontal Nerdity. Aaron Williams does. I'm just a fan.
Here's the link to this FFN page.
If you are a Nerd, Geek or Dork, or like gaming or comics, you MUST read FFN. Seriously. =)


Thursday, October 13, 2011

It will be most vital....

I told my Dad that I'm learning Klingon. He seemed amused, then later asked if I was "At least learning Japanese as well." I said that I was, and asked why he included 'At least.' He told me that Klingon didn't exactly count as a foreign language. I explained that it may be VITAL in about 20 years when the Geeks take over the planet. He sat for a moment, then conceded that I had a point.

Geeks Soj che' Earth!!

I am learning to speak in Klingon!!

Behold! My first word. 'Qapla.' I means 'Success.' (not relating to a specific success. It's more like "Go and succeed.") I credit Full Frontal Nerdity in teaching it to me. I have been reading it, and it is one of the most epic comic strips in all history. It NEVER gets old. Check it out.

Learning the Klingon language has been on my 'Path to Supreme Geek' list since I was 12, although I have only JUST got around to it. (Yes, I do have such a list. Unfortunately, it was before I discovered Google Docs, so I wrote it on paper and lost it. ><)

I thought that learning this language is vital to all Geek and Nerd development. (and the art of whipping out really great insults.) So here are some great links to free sites that teach Klingonese! =D

A great site:

Everyday Klingon Phrases:

Pronouncing Klingon words:

Another great site:

An English to Klingon dictionary

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I found the 'Stats' button..... =]

I found that I can track who's been reading my blog, how many people, where they're from, and even what operating system they use!! I was amazed! People actually LOOK at this thing besides me!!! XDD HUZZAH!! o^^o
I will post the stats once I hit 50 veiws! =D (Hey, gotta pump up my ego, right? = 3 ....Right??)
Untill then, my faithful Minions..... }=D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Mystery of the Haunted Refrigerator continues!

My Mom and The Refrigerator Demon have met head on, horns first.
After a couple fruitless attempts at de-Lemuring it by ripping it apart and showing it it's own insides, (Have I told you my Mom is a badass?) She finally broke down and called a refrigerator repairman/exorcist. Unfortunately, he didn't speak or understand very much English, (He was from Russia) so my Mom was leading HIM through it and explaining what was wrong with it. Today, he came over for the second time this week, (he didn't understand that the poor swelling fridge was filled with LIQUID the first time(hence the root of my assumptions that it is a Lemure)) and he unplugged it.
My Mother was right. The refrigerator leaks out water onto a pan, then the water in the pan evaporates. The leaker was plugged, so the water was causing swelling and bulging. I imagine that it would be like being unable to pee for a couple weeks or more. So, now that it's unplugged, it WON'T. STOP. PEEING. We have to set a small, metal, screw on jar-cap under the leaky-part (situated half an inch away from the floor) so it doesn't flood the floor. The poor fridge must be in much pain, or the Lemure must be refusing to exit, because the fridge pees into the pan drop by drop. So about every 13 minuets, we have to change it's dish. (which leaks by the way)
I feel rather bad for him, and take him as our new pet. I will call him 'Rrepcom,' the acronym for

I hope he gets better soon, as I hate fighting Lemurs. (you have to bludgeon them repeatedly while they slop under their armor. NOT FUN. =P)
Oh, and did I mention that I'm suffering from MRMM, or Must Read More Manga? I finished the 3 volumes of Tsubasa that my friend loaned me. MUST GET MORE. O_O Sadness.
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Oh, AND the Drier and the Heater are preparing to launch a full-scale rebellion, aiming for independence from Mom's Matriarchal rule. I will post more about that when I catch more wind of the rebellion from the Water Heater (Who, while cranky and is susceptible to hot AND cold flashes, knows all. The real trick is getting her to talk to you.)

10/17/11 UPDATE
I forgot to tell you!! The Lemure is no more. He obviously died from the chemicals that the repair man pumped into the fridge on his first trip, and festered in the tubing before draining out of poor REPCOM. The demon was fully drained from the pipes a day after I made the above post. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. (whoever actually checks back here) I will try to be more consistent with my posts. n_n;

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'd like about 9 hobbits of bailing wire......

I was doing my math today when I came upon a question that demanded I know if a meter was longer then a yard. This is pretty much my my train of thoughts (minus a few crack pairings here and there. XD)
Meter.... A meter is about hobbit sized right? Right. And hobbits are about 3 feet. 3 feet is a yard. So a meter is a yard? Yep. More or less. Yep. .....Yep.  .........Hello? Echo??

Upon discovery that a meter was 3.37 inches longer, I solved the problem and went back to daydreaming. I wondered why we had meters and yards. I supposed that a meter must be from a different system, and I began to wonder what it was. Suddenly, I thought that we should just abandon meters and yards and stick to hobbits. It could even differ from family to family!! =D
"And what could I get for you?"
"I'd like 20 by 20 hobbits of chicken wire."
"Okay. A Brandybuck or a Took?"
"Took size please."
Note: I do not know if there is a significant size difference between Tooks and Brandybucks. I feel shame, but not enough to research right now. Later. =^.~

Just think what our everyday shopping experience would be like! I really think that this could really change our metric system for the better. =)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Dragon dice have become less popular on eBay since last year!! >=O
They used to have tons!! Units, Terrains, Dragons, Magestorms, Missle, Magic, Melee, the works. FOR UNDER $7.
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I suppose that that vendor isn't selling them right now. I really wish that I kept their name for future reference!! >=[
And the only vendor that I found sells his for $12 per 7 lot, which is okay I suppose, but it is an extra 5 bucks.... =P
Ehh, maybe I should stop griping. I just wish that I knew when the prices spike, so that I can buy at the lowest. =P

May the Dice be ever in your favor.

Something JUST came to me. I was reading Full Frontal Nerdity (It is SOO epic. If you are a Geek or a Nerd, or like D&D, THIS is the comic for you. And they mentioned Dragon Dice. I remember my Former (and First Ever) Dungeon Master talking about them. He literally said that if he got a million dollars, he'd invest them all in Dragon Dice, put them in his pool, and go swimming, I am completely serious. The guy REALLY liked those things. So anyhoo, on a whim, I made a Google search on 'em and remembered just how cool the looked, and just how cheep they are. I researched them last year, then hastily forgot their splendor lest I fall victim to debt (and weird looks from neighbors as I chilled in my Die-Pool. (heheh. WhiteWolf pun!! =D) )
Anyway, as I scrolled through Google Images, googling (pun not intended. >.<) at the many pics of rune caved polyhedral chunks of plastic, I realized something. Every Geek should receive a set of good dice when they complete their training. I got mine on eBay several years ago when I found my first tabletop RPG handbooks in Bart's Books. It was The Player's Guide and the Game Master's Guide to Alternity, by the way. I had only vaguely heard of D&D before, and although my Dad and Uncle used to be avid gamers, I had never set eyes upon a handbook. And yet I felt what it was. I knew, right then, that I was destined to have those books. I bought them, took them home, and started my life as a changed Geek. Unfortunately, I haven't played in that universe yet, but it is my goal.
So, moving closer to the main subject... I got my dice on eBay, and although my Dad paid for them, it wasn't the same as them being handed down to me. Sure, the dice didn't have my Dad's Dice Karma attached to them, (Which may or may not have been a good thing) but we were still really bummed that he didn't save them to hand down to his advancing Padiwan.
So, as I looked over these elegant dice, I realized that I should really start a dice collection to hand down to my future kids. I know that I will have them one day, I hope that they will be Geeks, and it would be an amazing gift to them if I presented them with their fist RPG manuals and Dice as their first day as True Geek Padiwans. I now know why people collect dice. =)

I can picture it now.
"Krin and Farren Sewell, step forward and receive your first Gift as True Geek Padiwans.
I present you with your First Manuals. May they always steer you to the right page. May you excel in your Gameplay, weather you be Elf or Orc, Wookie or Twelek, Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil, and any and all in between. May you feel Courage and Freedom, and learn Loyalty and Respect.
I present you with your First Dice. May they never fail you, and be merciful in their rolls. May you stand as Bridges between the Normal World and the World of Geek, with a foot on each side, and be Loved by all.
I pronounce you True Geek Padiwans. Stand strong, with feet in Reality, and never forget the True Joy of Geekdom.
May the Dice be ever in your favor."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wintersleep's emotional ties

I was up thinking at 1:00 last night. I was trying to sleep, and feeling really beaten in. The weather is really knocking me down. I usually feel tired at 12:00 PM, but lately I've been getting drowsy at 8:00 PM.
I started really wondering about why we (or at least I) get sentimental and lonely during the winter. My friend told me that in the fall we "change from exterior, yang, and sun, to interior, yin, and earth." That makes sense, but it is well neigh impossible to convince my mind to drop things when it's in it's manic butt-crack-'o-dawn-quick-think-of-something-to-keep-Rahel-up state. So it kept banging itself against the doors to my inner secrets, hoping that it would find some answers to lap up from it's bruises, when something came to me.

I thought that maybe the reason we feel sentimental in the winter is to remind ourselves of our earthly ties. To remind us why we have to wake up from the long winter and carry out our lives. I wondered what would happen if someone went into wintersleep without harboring love of the outside world within themselves. Would they die? Does this love act as some kind of way to sustain our souls in sleep? As a lifeforce even? Or maybe, if we forgot our love, we wouldn't have a reason to wake.

I suppose that, anyway, it's important to constantly remind ourselves why we live. A world without winter would be a forgetful place indeed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So lonely......

It's raining. It's overcast. And cold. About 70 degrees. I'm sleepy. And grouchy. I have a poltergeist in my house and I'm not sure if I should exorcise him, or attempt to come to an understanding, despite the fact that he leaves when I try to reason with him. My refrigerator is haunted, (I'm guessing by a Lemure) and it's floor is swelling up. I'm not absolutely sure what the Ghostbuster's area code is, and if they would help me out with the fridge anyway. Google search won't give me a strait answer to the question "What do werewolves do when it rains?" I had a sentimental dream about my friends, including my former Aikido Sensei, who has left the Dojo to travel. Just as I woke up, I realized just how much I miss him, and I wondered if wishing that he would come back would be rude, as he seems to be happy traveling, and if I should just wish him luck instead.

I feel so lonely when it rains.

On the bright side, I have tea! I have been on a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy craze, and tea is all I want. Oh, AND my Mom just fixed the heater! Maybe I won't go into cold-induced suspended animation after all. =)

Monday, October 3, 2011

I have one of the coolest Moms in the whole world.

One of my Mom's best friends has a son. It's his birthday, and he wanted it starwars themed. My Mom's offered to make the pinata. We held a meeting with the Birthday Dude (Being called 'birthday boy' isn't usualy flattering, no matter the gender, the current date, or how young you are, so I settle for addressing a male *ahem* birthday CHILD as the Birthday Dude.) To decide what we should make it into. He wanted a spaceship. My Mother, being the pinata whizz she is, determined that it was a surmountable task, so I got called in to find a ship that could be sculpted out of cardboard and paper mache. (Being a Geek really pays off sometimes. =^.~ ) So, anyway, I got to Wookieepedia and we browsed a bit (My truly epic Padiwan Geek sister giving advice and giudence along the way), finally choosing a Delta 7B Starfighter. I pulled up a large picture for my Mom, and give her about 30 mins, she creates a masterpiece. Something to be admired over by drooling Starwars Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks everywhere.

I kid you not, she is the coolest Mom any Geek could ever ask for.
(Oh, and she Says "She even dug around in the bottom of the RECYCLING bin for the cardboard. A very DIRTY recycling bin, I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW.")

Sooooo, here it is!! Prepare the mass drooling over the (unpainted) pinata and the building of many hecatombs in my epic Mother's honor.
I will post more pics of the finished ship when I receive them. =D

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's really coming......

I really can't believe it. The Hobbit. It's actually, really, truly, being filmed.... When I first heard about this, I tried to not get my hopes up. But now it's totally coming. I can't hide from it. I'm in a state of shock. I LOVE the Hobbit. I've read it MANY times. Also, this is a part of my Geek heritage that I'm missing. I wasn't able to celebrate properly when the LOTR film trilogy came out, partly because I wasn't allowed to see it, and partly because I was only 6. Now with the Hobbit, and can go FULL GEEK.

Despite my love and faith for Tolkien, Peter Jackson, and my Geekdom, I feel really nervous. What if the CG graphics are bad? What if they make drastic changes?? What if the movie is cast incorrectly??? WHAT IF SMOG IS HORRIBLY CHEESY???????
I will DIE if the Hobbit turns out to be bad. It will leave a permanent scar upon the souls of all us Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks.

I guess I just have to put my faith and the small amount of sanity I have left into Peter Jackson's hands and hope that it turns out alright. I'm trusting you Peter. We all are. You are a DEMIGOD in our eyes. Don't let us down.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Speaking of new loves..... part 2

I ended up finding some bits and pieces of Batman The Dark Knight on youtube!!! I have decided that, as soon as my little sister isn't in the house, it is time to watch this movi.
I rewatched the bank robbery scene (my Dad showed it to me years ago. NEVER gets old) and the pencil magic trick scene, which I had never seen before. I. LAUGHED. MY. ASS OFF. It was the most terrifyingly hilarious things I have EVER seen. I seriously laughed for 30 seconds straight. Like a maniac. My Dad came over to see what I was laughing at. I told him and he gave me a horrified look. Apparently, he didn't find it comical. >_9

Tell my what you think.
NOTE!!! If you are under 13 or have a weak tolerance to violence, PLEASE don't watch this video. Parents, I am NOT responsible in the advent that your child DOES watch this and becomes mentally scarred.
THAT being said, enjoy the blood!! =D

Speaking of new loves..... part 1

I have also taken to fighting with claws!! =D
I have a habit of jumping from trees with the intent to kill passerb- ahem. URUK-HAI. Yes. That's it...... 7_9
Anyhoo, I jump out of trees with the will to kill (although not the license.... I'm still working on that.) evil monsters and protect my ancestor's sacred grounds! =D (just another day in the life for Rahel....... XD) I have recently realized that I can slash open my foe (or at least cause some scarring) with my fingernails!! =D

And it doesn't stop at launching at Uruk-Hai from the treetops! No. I have recently taken up walking slowly down the hallways, cackling like a maniac, and running my claws all the way down the walls.......... }=}
Oh yeah..... I have also taken up collecting knifes, handsaws, etc. and holding them between my fingers to create Wolverene/Edward Scissorhands claws!!!!! }=D
.......... AND cackling like a maniac...... 7_7

Mom says that she'll get me some plastic Freddy Kruegar claws when we go to the Halloween store!!!! =^^=

.......... I blame myself for my overly exited mind, but I still attribute my claw-slashing-instincts to my reading too much InuYasha! XD

I should really get into the habbit of going shopping

I have found a new love. No, it is not human. It is not a fictional character. (unless you count Fai. D. Flowright from Tsubasa as a 'new' love. =^.~) I did NOT get a hellhound (although I've been begging my Mom for one XD)
No. It consists of all purpose flour, coffee, milk, brown sugar, and ginger root mixed in to a lumpy brown sludge!! =D It tastes weird, spicy, and sugary, and when you consume for than half a cup of it, your entire mouth goes numb!!! =D

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I think that I learned how to put on a hakama. =D

MAN. You would not BELIEVE just how confused I am. WHO SPENT ALL THEIR TIME INVENTING THE TIES AND STUFF FOR THIS????? I mean, it's awesome but really. I'm not sure if I did it correctly and if it will stay....... I'm afraid that it will fall off when (when I get my blackbelt) I do Aikido...... Well hey. That's what the gi pants are for, right? XD

There were many ways to put on a hakama, but I went with this one because it looked pretty simple.


I just saw that it is Hobbit Day today! It is also Bilbo's birthday! =D
I feel like I should build a little shrine........ Maybe put some cake there..... =)
Ooooh!! I know. I should FIND some Hobbits and wish them a very happy hobbit day. WITH elevenzies. =^^=
So, if any of you are Hobbits, I wish you a very fine hobbit day!! o^^o

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! If ye be readin this message on a September 19, I wish ye good winds on this fateful day! Try yer hardest at talkin like one 'o them pirates of old, and ye may be rewarded by an Old Sea Dog with some Geek Booty!! (pun may be intended) =D

Check out some (legal) pirate sites (I be providin some links for ye Lubbers =^.~) and get down and dirty with the muck and slime of yer inner pirate!! =D

May ye be guided by a fair wind
-Rahel the Voluntarily Insane

Official TLAPD site home:

Official TLAPD site how to:

Monday, September 12, 2011

The 3 worlds

As a child, I thought the term 'third world' referred to either heaven or hell. I wasn't sure which, I just knew that there were three, including middle earth, which was obviously second. My only questions were 'which world is heaven and which is hell?' and 'which world are we currently on?' I knew that we weren't on middle earth because we didn't have hobbits. I hoped that we were in hell because I was looking forward to heaven, and it would be a disappointment if I found that we were already there.

Now, with my newfound Tolkien knowledge, I know that we are on middle earth, and that the hobbits have just gone into hiding. I am still puzzled as to which world I have to look forward to though.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jurrasic Garden

I was  navigating the harsh vegetablish terrain of my garden, collecting grasses for my tortoise to eat this morning. (He's a Sulcata. He loves weeds. He's so awesome. =D) As I twisted my way through the dense undergrowth of a large tomato patch, trying to ignore the sickly sweet sent of nightshade infiltrating my nasal passages, (yes, tomatoes are a type of nightshade. Just don't eat the leaves. =P) my eyes feel upon something shiny. The bird part immediately wanted to know what it was, and if it was edible. The squirrel part froze, hoping to not be caught, and the wolf wanted to kill it. My human quickly side broke up their warring and stepped in for a closer look. Upon inspection, I found that it was a pair of clip on sun shades. The kind that flip up and down.

The geek kicked in, and I realized my immediate danger. These sunshades could only belong to one kind of person. A snooty field scientist..... The kind you'd kill off in a movie. The kind of character that you don't care about enough to be very upset over, but the kind just tough enough to impart a sense of shock at his death. The kind of character who's soul purpose in the movie is to demonstrate what the others are up against in the manner of a bloody bloody death.
I knew this, and I immediately felt the need to make myself scarce. We'd done it. the threat was real. And now the human race would pay the price. We'd really done it this time. We had cloned....... Dinosaurs. Yes, that's right. The government had successfully cloned dinosaurs, the dinosaurs escaped, and were lurking in back yard. My garden was........ A Jurassic park.

I frantically cast my eyes around, hoping to not find fresh meat. I saw none. I knew not of how long ago he was slaughtered. I could only guess. It seemed pretty old, as the vines were almost covering the glasses, but then, maybe they went flying when the cold blooded monsters ripped the poor guy in half. Either way, I neither saw nor smelt flesh. That meant that while I would not run into any scavengers in search of leftovers, I would also be in danger of becoming breakfast to some crazy ass son of a petri dish.
I decided that my best chance was to sneak away as swiftly and quietly as I could. I snatched up the shades and put my sneaky-run plan into motion.

I traveled back into my house without further mishap and set the glasses on the table. I explained our garden's contingency to my Dad. He seemed pretty understanding. At least he didn't immediately suggest my use of a straitjacket. I also explained that I didn't find any gore, and that I was a bit let down. I was hoping to at least find some toes.

So, long story short, there are dinosaurs in my garden. Or, as I'm gonna call them, crazy-ass-sons-of-a-petri-dish. Or maybe petri-bastards? That would also work. Whatever the marital status of the parents of these crazy ass petri spawn, I'm gonna be stocking up on heavy artillery.
Hasta la vista, petri baby.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Explaining the Ancient Greeks

These are a series of emails sent between my friend and I. I thought that they were funny, and I really need to get into the habit of blogging more often.

Now, before you read on, I wish to make it clear that I hold no contempt for the Greeks.  .......You have got to admit though....... The ancient Greeks were into some pretty weird stuff. =P

Me: ......dude. reading the odyssey. the greeks were so perverted..... XDD

Silver: xDD They were?? Like.. What did they do... O_O

Me: You don't want to know. XDD

Silver: XDD WHAT THE HECK!? xD so.. perverts are descended from the Greeks?? AH GREEEAAATTT XDDD THEY HAVE ANCESTORS.

Me: xD could be......
My grandpa went to greece. he came back with some REALLY weird stories..... XDD
but seriously. Read ANY greek story, and it will have bloody tourture AND insanely dirty stuff....... mostly involving goats. =P


Me: XDDD ahahahahahahhahahahahaaah.....
Yes. But I have to. It's what I must do for history! Oh history! Only to thee will I lose my precious innocence, for thou art quite a comely subject, being written by one of the biggest loons of all time, the supreme filibusterer of all written works (second only to moby dick), Homer! Athena doth looketh upon thee with utmost favor!
And so, I shall read this foul writing, this sludge from the depths of Echidna's soul For I, in my sick little mind, shall absorb this knowledge of obscenities past in the manner that a suckling babe doth work away at her mother's tit.

*long silence*

Silver: Lol...
*changes subject*

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A funny story! =D

We were getting ready to go to local pub for 'Really Cheap Wednesday.' (......yeeeah. That's my Dad. XD)
________, my Dad's friend was sitting on the couch, Dad was tying his boots across the room. I was playing with an apple, (ie. tossing it in the air and catching it. .......Yes, like a cat. D|| )

"You're going to wear your cloak to the pub?" ________ asked in a bemused voice.

I looked up in suprise. "Yup!" I said, as if it was perfectly obvious. ________ nodded slowly. "Hey," I said mildly "at least I'm not going to bring my wand!"

I turned to Dad's snort of amusement. "What? I do have one. I brought it in my backpack." I said with a self-satisfied smile.

Dad fiddled with his boot laces before looking up. ".....You don't really believe in that stuff, do you?"

I continued tossing the apple in to the air. "....Hmm. Maybe. Why not? I mean, people believe in politics... What the hell's up with that?"

I think that this was a good step for me in my relationship with my Dad. He may think that I've crossed into a whole new weird, (which I have) but he knows that I still have the same views on life. He thought that it was pure gold. =^^=

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DUUUDE!! eeepic blog!! =D

Okay. Dude. I. Found. A downright epic blog. One of the posts moved me to draw something! Here tiz! =D
........Yes. Weird. I know. BUT!!! It. will. make sense. IF! You check out his blog. =D

PS! Jason, I wish to apologize in advance for using you're image. (........even though I have no clue of what you look like, save for your profile pic. ><) No offense is meant. If offence is taken, I just want you to know that
1. I just really like your blog and your graphic novel.
2. This will give you extra publicity (assuming, of course, that people actually LOOK at this thing.....)
3. If you try to unleash a horde of T-Rexes upon me, (by use of time travel) I am trained in the art of Necromancy, AND I am armed to the teeth.
Oh, yeah. AND I'm in the process of creating a life size, titanium, robotic maker worm. =D